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Do you know how awful it is to be constantly hungry, sick and scared – and have nobody to care for you? To have an itchy rash that spreads all over your body, one that is so bad you scratch and tear your own hair out? But that you can do nothing about?

Have you suffered from an open fracture that goes untreated? Every movement means excruciating pain that explodes throughout your body.

You cannot ask for help, as you don’t speak the human language. You do not even know that humans could help, or that any would. You should not cry out. Your misery might attract the attention of predators, human and otherwise. There is nobody to care about, and you begin to abandon hope.

This sounds horrible. This is not something you would wish on an enemy never mind a member of your family. No living creature deserves this existence.  Like us, you are sickened if these awful things were to happen in your community.

But sadly, where I live, this is the reality for thousands of abandoned and abused dogs. They freeze during the bitterly cold winters and dehydrate during the hot summer days. They suffer in misery. Hungry, often injured, and always alone.

Their bodies are often too weak to fight even minor infections, let alone mange, the scourge of neglected dogs worldwide.

This is the fate of the street dogs of Romania.

Our rescue team is out there 24/7 to help dogs in need of immediate medical assistance.

We rescue dogs hit by cars – not all of them survive, but at least we help them not agonize at the edge of the road. Tortured by terrible pain until at last, they draw their last breath.

Dogs with broken bones, mange or other skin infections, dogs injured from fights with other dogs or abused by people. There are dogs with burns. Mother dogs with their starving babies. Puppies that will never know a full belly or a safe bed.

Abandoned, dogs with tumors, dogs without an eye or a leg. Seniors dogs. What do they have in common? They have become “dispensable objects” – garbage. We learn a lot about people when we see how their dogs have looked after. Or in the case of Romanian street dogs NOT looked after.

Every season brings an increased number of seasonal illnesses: during spring and fall, there are more cases of respiratory and skin diseases, during winter – frostbite and during summer – dehydration.

Sometimes we are overwhelmed. Often we have nightmares. But we continue to rescue these voiceless beings – because we are their last hope!

We cannot do our work alone. Help us with the most generous gift you can make at this time. You make it possible for us to continue our rescue work in Romania. The dogs and the staff and volunteers at ROLDA thank you!

Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support.

We declare that all donors have these rights:
1. To be informed of the organization’s mission, the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
3. To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.
4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
6. To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donors will be professional in nature.
8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the organization.
9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from the mailing list.
10. Feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.

Get access to ROLDA’s Latest Financial reports page.

Do you feel like you are ready to be part of our big international family?

You decide how much you would like to contribute to the rescue of animals in need with us!

Become an Ambassador

Promote our cause for free in your community.

Become a Volunteer

Do you have special skills to offer to our charity?

Join our Teaming group

Can you spare 1 EUR per month for our rescued souls?

Considering that millions of dogs die in shelters every year while millions of others are the victims of abuses across the World, it takes a massive collective effort coming from communities of compassionate animal lovers to confront these cruelties and change these dogs present and future.

These are some ideas for ways you can help the dogs. Please share this page with your friends and family members interested to advocate for the animal’s cause!

Active help

1. Volunteer at ROLDA shelters!
2. Donate Air Miles for our volunteer travel to help us save our funds for life-saving missions!
3. Connect with us! Visit our online networks and help us grow!
4. Add a ROLDA banner, or video to your website, blog, or social network page! Copy & Paste the following code:

<a href=""><img class="alignnone" src="" alt="banner_sponsor" width="752" height="160" /></a>

5. Online shop to help the Romanian dogs! Buy Romanian handmade products from ROLDA online shop and help our dogs!
6. Spread the word! If you are a journalist or veterinary student, visit our shelters to get inspired for your final exam!
7. Write letters to your favorite newspaper or animal magazine’ editor and tell our story!
9. Post flyers and brochures in your town: public places, stores, and events (We have English, French and German versions available)
10. Advertise our dogs for adoption! Create printable materials (small posters, flyers) to promote ROLDA dogs for adoption (we re-home dogs all across Europe).
11. Advertise our dogs on free ads websites or specific dogs ‘related websites, popular in your own community.
12. Become a sponsor! Sponsor a billboard with a ROLDA message in your community.
13. Arrange a friendly coffee or lunch to present ROLDA programs to people that care about the animals.
14. Get your local university inspired to promote the Romanian animal’s cause!
15. Sponsor our leaflets or brochures printing at your location to save time and postage costs!

Plan the future for your dogs

Include ROLDA as the beneficiary of your will read more!

1. Make a one-time donation by card to ROLDA.
2. Become a monthly donor.
3. Host a house party for Romanian dogs
4. Create a fundraising event.
5. Sell items on eBay or Amazon websites to benefit the Romanian League in Defense of Animals (ROLDA USA)
6. ROLDA USA is featured cause on GoodSearch and GoodShop websites. It’s thanks to people like you that we’re able to save hundreds of dogs each year. Now, we have an easy way for you to support ROLDA. When you use to shop online, you get thousands of deals on items ranging from sports equiptment from Kmart and ink and toner from Walmart to coffee makers from Bed Bath and Beyond and we receive donations from Goodshop. This program is free, easy and a great way to save dogs from death. It only takes a moment to sign up and select the Romanian League in Defense of Animals – ROLDA as your cause. Then, shop online at your convenience and Goodshop will take care of the donations!
7. See our wishlist on Amazon!

What you can do for a global change?

1. Promote the local pet shops that do not sell puppies.
2. Check out what people are selling to benefit us when you shop on eBay.
3. Buy eco-leather, free fur products, and cosmetics not tested on animals.
4. I.D. your dogs and encourage others to do the same.
5. Turn your own garden into a “small sanctuary”: respect the wildlife!
6. Place a bowl with fresh water for thirsty wild animals during the hot summertime.

A Memorial Gift is a beautiful testimony to the life of a beloved person or pet who has passed on—and the gift of life for animals in need. It can be just the right touch for expressing compassion to someone who has had a loss.

Mihaela from the USA just made a donation “In memoriam of Rhett, a rescue dog who rescued me”!

The “Memorial Gift” can be of any amount. Make sure to select the “Memorial Gift” option and provide your honoree’s information. The amount of your gift will not be mentioned. The list of people that donated to honor someone or something will be displayed on this page for 3 years starting the day the donation was made.

Examples of specific “Memorial Gift” levels

For 200 EUR sponsor a dog for an entire year and receive a nice certificate (online, by email, or printed) from your sponsored dog as a memorial gift!

Choose between these amounts 1015 or 50 EUR to make a gift to a particular dog in the loving memory of a person or pet.

With 20 EUR you can name a tree in memory of a beloved person or pet. We will plant the tree for you.

For 25 EUR you can “Sponsor Them All”: hundreds of dogs in our care, donkey Ben and even Mr. Cat!

With a 10,000 EUR name, one of our 5 garden sections of your choice, or for 50,000 EUR gives a forever name to the entire ROLDA garden. Alternatively, you can name one section of our new shelter. Have a look here at the sections of the area that still need a name/sponsor.

For 5,000 EUR you can name forever a garden’s path. We have 10 paths available. For 1,500 EUR you can name a bench and for 2,000 EUR you can name a kennel.