Build PawzUp Center

Visit PawzUp official website to discover the buildings, inch by inch.
PawzUp Center
The first cage-free shelter from Romania is projected to bring people and animals together and allow them to help one another and enjoy each other’s company.
Why PawzUp project? Because…
…we care about animals from disadvantaged communities
ROLDA operates in the southeast, one of the poorest regions of Romania. Here a family of 4 (or more) members often survives with as low as 200 EUR a month.
Housepets (cats, dogs) and working animals (horses, donkeys) constantly risk abandonment. There are around 200.000 street dogs estimated in our region* and they are exposed daily to risks such as starvation, disease, or death.
…animals don’t have access to complete services for diagnosis and post-surgery recovery
The good local private veterinary hospitals (which are less than the fingers of a hand) can’t cope with the huge numbers of animals in need, they often have to choose whom to keep in for recovery. Also, their services are extremely expensive and prohibited for people who barely afford to feed their families. On the other hand, the large animals face a grisly fate since there are absolutely no veterinary clinics equipped to meet their needs, only improvisations.
…people need the company of animals
After years of experiencing first-hand the positive impact of animals on people’s lives, we dare say that people need animals, too.
We want PawzUp to be a strong foundation upon which we can rebuild the relationship between humans and animals. It is no secret that our voiceless friends have the capacity to reveal our best version. Animals help us be healthier, happier, and definitely less alone. Our kids are more sociable and more empathic when they grow up with pet companions.
Expected challenges
● The price of building materials is very unpredictable
● The rise in fuel cost, electricity
● The lack of serious and skilled builders
● The total cost of the project was split by buildings, with each building split again into a few stages to make everything more transparent and controllable
● Carefully plan how each building will be ready to serve animals in need as quickly as possible, without „disturbing” the ongoing activity of the dog shelter.
The big numbers
● 300000 small and farm animals will benefit from PawzUp services
● Approx 2000 animals will be helped every year
● 1 million people of all ages (including seniors and children) will experience a unique, authentic and rewarding experience around animals in need of human friends
Discover all the services that PawzUp Center is set to provide to the next generations to help them learn more about animal rights, animal welfare, and how to look after their own pets in the best possible way.




Provide veterinary

Social services for
poor pets

Training – for volunteers, employers

Interaction humans – animals – for visitors, volunteers

Education the public – for visitors

Therapy for seniors with shelter animals
What are the buildings reunited in the PawzUp project?
(listed in the order will be built)
What’s next?
At this stage, we are busy fencing the new land to secure the whole property of 6.5 hectares.
After that, we install a surveillance system to protect our animals and the whole investment.
A team of architects & specialists is busy finishing a mountain of documentation necessary to get new permits and authorizations from various institutions.
Click here to see the estimated costs of each building (based on the price of building materials as of august 2022). In total we have 7 buildings and the construction work is prioritized in a manner that will not affect the ongoing activity at the shelter. Let’s not forget that the PawzUp Center is partially built over the location where the ROLDA large shelter continues to function. With 600 dogs in our care, we can’t and we don’t want to stop the daily work while all the building work is happening.
Optimistically, we estimate that the 7 buildings will be all fully operational in 2026.
As soon as each building is completed, we will make a new estimation of the costs needed for furniture, accessories, and equipment to make it functional.
We estimate that PawzUp’s running costs will be approx 25000 €/month, compared with the current budget. New costs will include additional staff, increased electric bills (balanced by the use of solar panels), and costs incurred with new types of animals to care for: cats, and farm animals. Current costs will be diminished by using their own veterinary and by reducing the number of dogs housed by 30%.
The „green” corner. Do you know that…?
PawzUp will have its own small station for wastewater treatment plants (required by the law) as well as solar panels to reduce the monthly costs of electricity. An industrial generator will function as a backup solution during power outages.
*The region which PawzUp will serve includes Galati, Braila, Tulcea, Buzau, Vrancea, and Vaslui.
Special opportunities during the construction stage
As an individual or as a company, you have the opportunity to name one of our 7 buildings by sponsoring its entire costs.
The costs of the buildings are listed here.
As a more affordable option, you can buy virtual brick/s of 100 or 200 USD and your name will be added to the Virtual Wall of Fame here.
Stay tuned for more sponsoring opportunities.
Transparency is important for ROLDA, as well as showing gratitude to our dedicated supporters.
Individual donations are listed in the right column. When you make a donation directly on this page, your name and the amount will appear automatically. If you send a check or wire a donation marked “for PawzUp”, we will add your donation manually. In case you don’t see your name and amount donated listed, please send us an email at
Estimated cost $5250000
Wall of fame
- Susanne $50
- Melanie $20
- Andrei $30
- Helen legacy $240000
- Anonymous $25000