Contact: | +1 (410) 353-5505 | whatsapp non-US support +44 (0)161 531 8801
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Your gift goes straight to save lives and provide homeless animals the help and healing needed to find permanent loving homes

Do you prefer to fund a whole project?

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Write a cheque

Bank transfer

We’re here to help

Got a question about a recent donation or a gift you’re planning to make?

Go here to get answers, renew your membership, update your contact information and more.

Email us:

usa flag (410) 353-5505 – Mary Duffy or

usa flagWhatsapp +40.748.903.612 – Dana

Tax-exempt status:

Donations to ROLDA USA are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law. ROLDA’s Federal Tax ID Number is 32-0176929.

In Romania, ROLDA is a nonprofit, non-political and non-religious charitable organization #18416340, file #1/08.02.2006, registered at the Galati Court of Justice.

In the US, Romanian League in Defense of Animals (ROLDA USA) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity funded almost exclusively by the contributions of individual donors like you.

Your gift is an investment in our work, which we respect and treasure, this is why we strive to use these funds in the most cost-effective and efficient manner possible.

What happens when you give 1 US$ to ROLDA

Most of it (90 cents) goes to animal’s direct needs and local community programs. The rest (almost 10 cents) goes to fundraising.

Thanks to our experts, we stretch the power of your 1$.

10¢ spent returned us 4 times more ¢ reinvested in care for homeless, abused animals and the poor community’s pets where they need the most!

Every 1$ donated = 1.45$*

Together, we create a greater impact for all animals in need!
You make a smart investment!

Join ROLDA Dog Rescue Team

Giving monthly is the best way to provide ongoing support in our fight to protect animals in need in Romania.

Become a ROLDA Global Parent

ROLDA is there for as long as it takes because we never put to sleep a healthy dog. For only 3$/month, you can sponsor a dog who is not adoptable.

Make a planned gift

Leaving a gift in Will is your promise to leave the world a better place for animals. Make a free gesture today to change their future.

Make a memorial gift

Make a donation to ROLDA in honor of someone—to celebrate a holiday, birthday, wedding, or another special occasion—or in memory of someone.

Donate your car usa flag

You can turn your used vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat) into a meaningful contribution to help animals! A fast, easy and a great way to support ROLDA USA.

Make a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) gift usa flag

DAF is like a charitable savings account which gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to ROLDA USA.

Make a crypto gift

When you donate Bitcoin and other crypto to ROLDA USA, you generally owe no capital gains tax.

Donate for a specific project

Donate for or cover the cost for an entire project. Choose from our updated list to support a capital one off cost or sustain an ongoing project.

Shop items that give back

Buy gifts that give back to dogs in need