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Every year we rescue hundreds of abandoned dogs from the streets of Romania.

Some are abandoned by ignorant people who don’t want the responsibility, and others are forced to abandon them because of circumstances out of their control. Perhaps they lost their job, and cannot afford the cost of food and care. Many of these poor dogs once had homes, family, friends, food, water, bedding, and love… and now they have nothing!

You can see the confusion and the sadness in their eyes. They don’t understand what happened. Where is my leader, where is my human pack? They spend days searching for their families until they are forced to give up. They must adapt to the misery of street life, or die.
Tragically, most of them do not survive.

Without us, these dogs would die of starvation, disease, or extreme weather conditions. Without ROLDA and your support, these dogs would be severely injured or killed from the beatings and abuse, the neglect, or in a worse case the poison left out by a horrible human with no compassion.

These poor creatures are stuck in an endless circle of suffering. These dogs have very few food sources, extremely limited shelter and few or no opportunities to improve their situation. Until you came along! You give them a chance and give them hope! You inspire the staff and volunteers at our ROLDA!

Many dogs have found sponsors and homes because of the compassion and generous support of people who are committed to saving the millions of abandoned and abused dogs in Romania. One dog at a time, we will realize our dream. The day when all dogs in our country are wanted, loved and properly cared for. That day is still far in the future….

We ask that you join us in our struggle to save these poor abandoned dogs. Partner with us to give those suffering in silence and voice. Let them be heard!

You have the power to make a huge difference simply by:
● Making a donation;
● Sponsoring a dog or dogs;
● Adopting a dog or dogs;
● Sending a dog gift.

EVERY donation, sponsor, adoption, and gift helps to save and care for an abandoned dog. Visit us today at

Together, we can change these dogs lives forever. Together, we can do beautiful things!

P.S. These dogs are extremely grateful for all the support they receive. It is the act of giving that makes a difference in their lives. Without you, these dogs will continue to suffer. We and they thank you!

ROLDA UK registration number 1162690. Download here the Gift Aid form. Please complete, save and send it to

The next time you see a “Dogs for Sale” advertisement, think about this: 2.5 million dogs in Romania are suffering and dying!

Every day an abandoned or homeless dog suffers starvation, sickness, neglect, injury, abuse, torture, loneliness and death. These poor dogs suffer alone in silence every single day. They cannot approach a human and ask for help—in fact, they usually get kicked away, beaten, poisoned, or tortured… just because they are an inconvenience to society.

These dogs don’t mean to be an inconvenience … they’re just trying to survive! They’re searching for food … a safe place to sleep … clean water … and someone to show them kindness.

“Dogs for Sale” will always be purchased and given a home. But “Dogs for Adoption” usually die in the shelter they are being held prisoner in. Or … they are brutally killed (because of the current law, poor economy and lack of education).

When you see a “Dogs for Sale” advertisement, remember the Romanian dogs! And remember that ROLDA has been saving thousands of these dogs for over 10 years! Our humane dog shelters accommodate up to 700 dogs. They receive quality care and they are ready to be adopted.

The only difference between “Dogs for Sale” and “Dogs for Adoption” is that dogs for adoption are born on the streets… without a family or a home. They are just as smart, loving, kind, gentle, and caring as every other dog. The difference is that these street dogs suffer alone in silence … every day.

They need your help!

They deserve love! They deserve to be happy!

What will you think about when you see a “Dogs for Sale” advertisement?
To help a homeless dog in need please visit us at

Alissa from England decided not to buy but to adopt a dog. And Sunshine, from our shelter, a small-medium perfect playful female was Alissa’s choice.

“She really enjoys going to the park and just rolling around in the grass without her leash on!! Sometimes we will throw her the ball and she will look up at us, like, “You think I am going to get up from this comfy place?“  – Alissa, England

The “moral”? You can’t expect our dogs to do exactly what you have in mind, they do not mind readers and yes, sometimes they do have a personality to show but they will always, no matter what, make you smile and be there, with you and for you, in good and especially in bad moments. And if Sunshine beauty didn’t convince you, please read Pansela’s amazing story!

P.S. You can help end the suffering of a dog today! Adopt, sponsor, donate, give a gift, or volunteer. Indifference already killed too many of them! You will be saving many lives just by showing a bit of care and compassion and by making a small gift!

Your impact when making a one-time gift!

6,000 puppies are born on the streets of Romania every year. Currently, we at ROLDA only have room for 700 dogs — many of them are puppies waiting for adoption.

Why are we asking for help from the UK?

Because Romania is a poor country where the majority of the population cannot afford to adopt or own pets.
Without the support of Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland, the UK, the USA, and Australia … the number of puppies born on the streets of Romania would be much higher.

ROLDA is the only humane animal shelter in the country that responsibly cares for the welfare of every dog it rescues. The only way ROLDA can continue to decrease the stray population is with the help of foreign countries. When foreign citizens like yourself adopt ROLDA dogs … you are not only getting a wonderful friend… you are saving 2 lives!

We understand many people prefer puppies. So this can be your chance to get the puppy you want and save it from growing up on the streets, where it will suffer from starvation, sickness, neglect, abuse, and death. And remember, you will also be saving another life!

You give… another homeless dog a chance to join ROLDA and become adopted one day.
Every ROLDA dog that gets adopted is another dog off the streets.
Every donation to ROLDA helps fund sterilization campaigns that prevent the increase of the stray population.
Every sponsor helps to provide our dogs with quality food, bedding, heat, medical care, and more.
Every gift a dog receives lets them know that you care!

Even after more than 10 years, not every UK citizen knows ROLDA exists. It’s important that every citizen knows about us because that increases the chances for more adoptions, donations, sponsors, gifts, and volunteers.
We have hundreds of puppies for adoption, visit us at and choose your furry little friend today.

Your support is vital to ROLDA’s mission to save these helpless animals from their suffering.

P.S. Remember, you can also help spread the news about ROLDA. We need as many people as possible to continue fighting for animals that can’t help themselves.

P.S.2 ROLDA UK registration number 1162690. Download here the Gift Aid form. Please complete, save and send it to

Just because a dog is caught on the street and placed in a shelter does not mean it has been rescued. In Romania, most dogs are left to die in those shelters. Sadly, many people think these “rescued” dogs are filthy, sick, violent, and dangerous.

But a dog can end up in a shelter for many reasons:
● Death of owner
● Divorce or separation
● Financial troubles
● Relocation
● Irresponsible owner… the list goes on.

In poor countries like Romania, almost all the dogs that end up in public shelters were born on the streets!
6,000 puppies are born on the streets of Romania every year.
2.5 million dogs in Romania are homeless.

Thousands of these dogs are caught and thrown in public shelters every year. Most of them die from being neglected … or they are brutally killed.
The conditions inside these public shelters are horrific!
These dogs are NOT “rescued!
Because homeless dogs are a big problem in Romania, public shelters are a quick way to fix it.
These dogs just need a little attention and they can live to be healthy pets, but it’s easier for public shelters to kill them or let them die.

Make change possible!

At ROLDA shelters, every dog we rescue receives medical care, grooming, rehabilitation, food, exercise, bedding, friendship, and love. Every dog we rescue gets an opportunity to become adopted … or at least spend the rest of their lives in a safe and loving environment.

If every public animal shelter cared about the welfare of their dogs, they would discover a gentle and kind soul desperate for love. Irresponsible and ignorant shelters are to blame for the poor conditions of their dogs… NOT the dogs themselves.

If people stopped looking at shelter dogs as filthy, sick, violent, and dangerous animals … they would be saving their lives! Whether a dog ends up in a public shelter or a ROLDA shelter, it deserves to live and be loved. To learn more about public shelters, and how ROLDA rescues dogs, visit

P.S. You can help ROLDA shut down these horrific public shelters (or “death camps”). Visit us at

You would be saving thousands of lives!

ROLDA has successfully rehomed 200 homeless dogs from Romania in the UK. We are very proud of this achievement, but we believe the numbers can be better There are 2.5 million homeless dogs in Romania. 20,000 of these dogs struggle near our shelters in Galati. 6,000 puppies are born on the streets of Romania every year.

Poverty is one of the main reasons the homeless dog problem in Romania is severe. And it’s also why many Romanians can’t afford to adopt. Even though the dogs are free … and even though there are many good homes in Romania … people cannot afford the costs. This is why we seek help from other countries.

ROLDA started in 2006 as a small non-governmental organization operating in one of the poorest regions of Romania. The UK has been very helpful and supportive of our cause, and we are very grateful. But the more people know about ROLDA dogs, the better chance they have of finding good homes. And for every adopted dog … 2 lives are saved! That’s right! When you adopt a dog, you are making room in our shelters for another homeless dog … and giving it an opportunity to find a good home one day.

Lives are on the line

There are over 63.4 million people living in the UK. Can you imagine the number of dog adoptions if every one of these people knew about these poor Romanian dogs? Even if 700 people adopted one dog, that would make room in our shelters for 700 more dogs. That’s 1,400 lives saved!

So please, if you or someone you know is considering adopting a dog, visit ROLDA today at Remember, just because these dogs are free does not mean there is something wrong with them. Many have suffered on the streets for years, and they deserve a good home.

P.S. You can also help by spreading the word about ROLDA. You might be saving more lives than you think!

ROLDA UK registration number 1162690. Download here the Gift Aid form. Please complete, save and send it to

What would you think if someone offered you a free dog? Believe it or not, many people think that there must be something wrong with that dog. The truth is there are many reasons for offering a free dog: financial troubles, medical issues, unable to provide quality care, unable to own pets, allergies… The list goes on.

When someone is offering a free dog, at least they are acting responsibly. Many people abandon their dogs because it’s easier.

Sadly, some people are forced to abandon their dogs. Romania is a poor country. The average income is 200 EUR per month. Millions of people cannot afford to own pets, but a lot of them try because they love animals.

It’s much more difficult for a poor Romanian family to give away a free dog because the majority of the population is also poor. As a result, millions of dogs are abandoned. There are 2.5 million street dogs in Romania. There are 6,000 puppies born on the streets every year. They suffer from starvation, sickness, abuse, neglect, torture, poison, cold, heat, and death.

If it wasn’t for ROLDA and its generous support of the UK, and other participating countries, these numbers would be much higher. ROLDA rescues hundreds of abandoned dogs every year and helps them find homes across Europe and sometimes in the USA. But the adoption rate is still low compared to the number of abandoned dogs.

We need your help to increase the number of adoptions!

For every 1 dog adopted, 2 lives are saved! For every 1 dog adopted, we can rescue 1 more dog and bring it to our shelter. Just because a dog is up for adoption, or because someone is giving away a free dog, does not mean there is something wrong with it. Adopting is much cheaper than buying a dog. And you would be saving a life that has only been known to suffer.

We have 700 dogs to choose from. Find one today at When you bring your dog home, we bring another one to our shelter.

P.S. If you cannot adopt right now, you can help a dog by donating, sponsoring, or sending a gift. Every support helps to save another life.

ROLDA UK registration number 1162690. Download here the Gift Aid form. Please complete, save and send it to

The aging horse asks for a peaceful end! I know they mean well. As difficult as my life is, at least the same difficult it’s theirs. I was born on a farm in Romania, and I was expected, as everyone in a low-income community is, to work hard. And work I have. Now, however, I am an old man. 17 years may not seem like much in human terms, but for a horse that has been a beast of burden since birth, it’s a lifetime.

My family brought me to ROLDA hoping they could get us to help for my respiratory disease, and other chronic illnesses that need expensive medicines. Myself, I think most of all I just need rest and recovery time. I am an old boy who wishes to continue to serve his family but cannot given my current health. My body is weak and aged; ravaged by diseases I no longer have the strength to fight.

We cannot afford a rest, and my family does not have the money to buy a younger, healthier horse. I know if I cannot work, I am a financial burden on a family which already carries too many money worries. There will be no place here for me for long. There is no refuge, nor “retirement” houses for an aged or unhealthy horse.

I do my best not to dwell on those thoughts, and what the future now holds for me…
Nor do I place blame, or cast stones. I know only my work, my family and farm, and the financial realities that we face. ROLDA wants to take me in and allow me to live my final days in peace. But there is no barn to house me, no food to feed me, no money for my final medical bills.

The alternative to a horse shelter being established in my home of Romania is not a kind one. One day, I will break down in our fields. On that day, I will die. I only hope there is a vet willing to provide a speedy and peaceful passing. But veterinary care costs money, which we do not have.

I do not blame the four-legged creatures who have been my family. I do not hold a grudge against the people for whom I have worked. I know that those strangers at ROLDA mean well. They are trying to provide me with a quiet end to a long life. A hard life, but my work has had a purpose, and I know my family is the better for it.

I may only be a horse, but I feel, I think and I have a theory.

Big Bang Theory
My Big Bang Theory is that all people around the world understand that you must work hard in life to survive. You hope that all your hard work will earn you a good retirement, or at least a few days to rest before you pass into the next world.

It is the same for those of us who wander our world on four legs. We seek only to please and to work hard to serve and protect our human families. We may not speak your languages, but we feel joy, fear, and pain as you do. We feel tired as we age, and we hope to be allowed to rest. If I must, I will continue to toil in the fields until the day I drop down.

But ROLDA feels there is a better way. A barn could be built for all of us broken-down farm animals. A place where we can live our final days in peace, and rest after a life of servitude.

Please consider a donation to help build a ROLDA barn where I, and so many other horses and donkeys, can live out our last days free of work and the pain that we live with each day.

When I look around me these days I feel a great sense of pride. It was over a decade ago that we built our first shelter and rescued the first 60 dogs from a lonely and harsh life. Today we have 2 shelters that 700 dogs currently call home. Every day I try to spend time with each one, but the truth is that most days I cannot. However, the precious moments I experience with these beautiful animals remind me that whenever I am not with them, I am fighting for them.

I am relieved and happy that these dogs are safe under our care, but I believe they deserve much more. Our shelters shouldn’t become their home. There is a loving family for every one of these dogs—and I’m trying to find them.

When I am able to turn one of these forgotten strays into a family member, it is the greatest feeling in the world! The moment one of our dogs is adopted, 2 lives are saved! It means that there is a vacancy in our shelters for another abandoned dog.

It’s exciting because we get to go out and rescue another poor, defenseless stray who will get the chance to become part of a family. You can be that family! If you’ve been considering adding a pet to your life, adopt one of our dogs. These dogs are hungry for love and compassion. They have been alone for too long.

You’re not only giving them an opportunity, but you’re also giving us an opportunity to save more lives. Near our shelters, there are roughly 20,000 homeless dogs wandering the streets sick and starving. It breaks my heart that I can’t save them when they are so close.

I need your help. They need your help.
If you’re not ready to bring one of our dogs home, you can still help save another life. No matter where you are or how much you give! Every dog is extremely grateful for any support they receive. Remember that they were struggling to stay alive before we rescued them. How do you save lives by sponsoring a dog or donating to ROLDA?

Your generosity will help us to keep growing and expanding so that we can have room for hundreds of more homeless dogs. We went from 1 shelter to 2. We went from 60 dogs to 700. We did this together—and only together can we continue to raise these numbers in a responsible way.

My name is Dana and I founded ROLDA in 2006. Everything we’ve accomplished is because of generous people like you. Every dog we save is made possible by you! I and all the ROLDA dogs are forever grateful for your help. We only ask that you not forget about us.
Make a gift TODAY to help us save another life!

Would you like to sponsor one dog in particular? Or do you search for a dog to adopt?

These are just a few of our best dogs:

Give a concise definition of the word” hero”! Everyone heard of a hero, some were lucky to meet one, face to face. We know about the heroes from the history books, about the heroes of our present time, we honor the veterans of the wars, we even heard of the other heroes (not humans) – a dog who saved a man from drowning or another who saved a child from a fire.

Would it be possible to define a “hero” as somebody that forgives humans, after being tortured and abused,  day after day, for years? It looks more like a Biblical “turning the other cheek”!

Would it be possible to name a “hero” someone who suffers silently and has the power to respond with kindness, friendship and loyalty to brutal attacks, indifference and intolerance?

Pufulet – man’s best friend!

Born on the streets,  Pufulet was another stray wandering in search of some food to keep him alive.  After spending an extremely cold winter outside, his clever mind discovered a way to enter inside the block with apartments – he was jumping inside the block’s hall in the evening, when it was getting dark and somebody was coming home late…and he was returning on the street, early in the morning, when the door was opened again by the first person leaving to work. And that was Pufulet’s biggest sin!

Some people hate the presence of “man’s best friend” inside the hall. Initially, people voiced excuses: his fur smells or he has ticks and fleas. A very important note must be added now: Pufulet is a small size dog, not “dangerous” and not noisy (he doesn’t bark to disturb, not even growl). He is kind and gentle, searching for attention or begging for hugs (sometimes more than for food)

Exactly like people, some dogs are born lucky and some don’t. There isn’t a statistic of all dogs being killed (or crippled) by cars in Romania in a year, or dogs “mysteriously” dying in public shelters. We can only estimate that there are 4 zero’s numbers, probably close to 5 zero’s numbers. These are the unlucky dogs!

Pufulet luckiest day

During the cold nights, every time when Pufulet struggled to get inside the block, a number of people were fighting against this. Facing this tiny dog’ kindness and purity, they responded with hate, force and violence.

A year ago, Pufulet was burned with acid and a portion of his back skin was severely damaged. It took 3 months to recover. But he survived. Pufulet’s haters beat him numerous times, but for unknown reasons, Pufulet always returned “home” after his wounds healed, after the pain had gone away, and after his scars and bruises disappear.

Pufulet never stopped believing in humans!

Two months ago, Pufulet was beaten so badly, he almost got killed. A big hole in his head, a broken leg and a few broken ribs were the first conclusions after the veterinary’ examination. Pufulet was hospitalized for several days for intensive medical care. Bandaged all over, he looked like a veteran surviving a war, but he “simply” survived the nightmare of being a homeless dog- the same nightmare to which many Romanian dogs are exposed.

2,5 million dogs roughly are living presently across Romania. This incredible number transform Romania into the country with the worst severe homeless animals problem among all the other south-east European countries. For the first time in his life, when looking up, Pufulet didn’t see a hand or a booth ready to hit him hard. He didn’t have to struggle for the nice warmth his body felt. And the food…was delivered in a big bowl, only for him.

Pufulet woke up in the intensive care room at the vet when a gentle hand touched his face. He shuddered and wanted to move away, to run maybe, but he couldn’t because of the pain he felt all over his body, in his chest and leg especially. The only thing he could do was to stop his little wet nose in the air and sniff:  Pufulet smelt a human. A different smell. A different human that he never should be afraid of, ever again.

Pufulet recovery went well and he is now 100% a normal dog. He never felt anger or hate against the people. He never chooses “the easiest way” to growl or bite to defend himself. Was it the day when he was beaten badly and almost killed, his luckiest day? That was the day when we saved him.

What happens when a tiny puppy catches a cold, an abandoned Rotweiller has a toothache or a 130-pound intimidating shepherd dog comes down with an intestinal disorder? If they happen to be just some of the 650 dogs at the REX charitable clinic, the chances for a speedy recovery increase.…because of your support! But first, we must purchase the basic needed equipment, to make it functional.

First Charitable Clinic to serve 300000 strays, pets and farm animals

The REX building was finished in the fall of 2011 and it was connected to water and electricity in 2014.

As soon as the basic veterinary equipment will be purchased, the clinic will start functioning as a “social veterinary clinic“. The building has two separate entries: one for new coming dogs, which need to spend the first few days in quarantine and one entry for the staff, visitors, and dogs already housed in our shelter.

The first entry takes you to the quarantine and to the grooming area where the new dogs, often dirty and full of ticks, have a bath.

We also purchased a hydraulic grooming table that goes as low as 25 cm from the ground, ideal for gently handling shy dogs, without stressing them.

The REX Clinic rooms:

● Quarantine area
● Surgery theater
● Examination room
● Laboratory room
● Recovery area
The clinic building also needs insurance, a surveillance system, a fire alarm, an electric insect controller (UV), steam cleaner.

Additional spaces of the clinic are the office vet staff area and the medicines storage room plus an additional room for blankets, soft accessories, disinfectant, etc.

For the medicine storage room, we need a refrigerator to keep the medicines (especially vaccines) at a constant low temperature, as required by the producer, day and night, all year round. If the vaccines are not stored properly, they will not be efficient at all.

Photos of the REX Social Clinic

A searing pain spread like wildfire through Lori’s haunches and tail. Running away was impossible because he had a broken leg. Presently, he is at the ROLDA sanctuary.