Sep. 23, 2018—Staff and volunteers from ROLDA Sverige were in Romania this weekend to carry out a sterilization campaign for pets of impoverished families who cannot afford the procedure. With the help of our local team, 100 dogs and cats were successfully sterilized and registered in Smardan and Piscu.
The families and their neighbors welcomed us with open arms. They gave us tomatoes, grapes, and wine in appreciation for our hard work and good intentions. They made us feel at home and like part of their tight-knit community. It was wonderful and inspiring to spend time with such honest and caring people who share our vision for better animal welfare in Romania.
By allowing us to sterilize their pets, these families are contributing to the solution, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their support and understanding.
These are humble citizens who struggle to subsist each day on a low allowance that can barely pay for food, so it’s understandable for them to prioritize feeding their pets over sterilizing them.
Even if they had extra money to spend, they would probably spend it to secure next month’s meals, not to spay or neuter their pet. For them, it’s much more important that their dogs, cats, or livestock are fed and healthy. And while they all agree that the stray crisis in Romania is terrible, they have bigger problems to worry about.
We understand. We fundraise for these sterilization campaigns because anybody can see that these poor people are doing their best to provide for their families, including their animal companions. They love their pets, and they hate to see homeless dogs and cats suffering. They want to see less of them on the streets and more rehomed.
They feel so blessed to have our charity nearby to help them address these issues, and we are honored to be so welcomed into their community, and for giving us the opportunity to help them. Their cooperation is important in solving the stray dog crisis in our country, and we deeply appreciate their support.
ROLDA would also like to thank the incredible ROLDA Sverige team for their commitment and dedication, and everyone who helped us make this campaign possible.
Thank you!
Collectible art donations also entitle you to a Fair Market Tax Deduction! There are far more benefits that may be yours once you decide to make a collectible art donation. These advantages include earning a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of your donated items and freeing up wall space to display yet more artwork.
Art is powerful not just because of its “artistic” meaning and value, but because it can be used to support worthy causes like ours. Transform your collectible art piece/s into real help for animals in need! If your artwork collection consists of abstract art, African art, American art, pop-culture art, classic artwork, classic art print posters, patriotic art or original oil paintings, you can donate artwork and support our rescue mission in Romania – next “Ken” that waits with a metallic box stack in his mouth to be saved, or tortured mom with pups waiting to be saved from death, or support our next sterilization event, or Helping poor horses new project.
Collectible art donations can include any of the following: Original drawings by Banksy, Jackson Pollock, Picasso, Andrea Boscoli, Henri Matisse, Raymond Pettibon, Jonathan Green, Walasse Ting, Al Hirschfeld or Max Liebermann.
An original vintage King Kong film poster from 1933, 1967 Monterrey International pop festival poster, Silkscreen posters by Roy Lichtenstein or 1920s vintage French Art Deco travel posters. Folk art and primitives; Textile and fiber art from Chris Roberts, Pablo Picasso, Jean Picart, or Carl Hank can include wool Aubusson tapestries, a baleen basket, embroidered applique art, wall rug portraits, or silk paintings.
Need more ideas?
Donate any of the following: Digital Art, Drawings, Antique art, Modern art, Contemporary art, Folk Art, Mixed Media, Paintings, Photographic Images, Posters, Prints, Sculpture, Carvings, Reproduction, Medium, Acrylic, Gouache, Oil, Watercolor, Abstract, Animals, Animation, Cartoon, Botanical, Children, Infants, Fantasy, Figures, Portraits, Floral, Gardens, Food, Wine, Landscape, Cityscape, Music, Instruments, Nudes, Religious, Inspirational, Seascape, Still Life, Art Deco, Asian, Cubist, Impressionist, Miniature, Outsider Art, Pop Art, Realism, Surrealism, Bronze, Ceramic, Porcelain, Glass, Jade, Metal, Paper, Stone, Marble, Wood, Figures, Nudes, Masks or Religious Statues…Give life to your collectible item/s today! Art is transforming the World thanks to the clever people who appreciate it!
ROLDA now accepts Bitcoins! Donate Bitcoins to save stray dogs in Romania.
Since you’ve landed here, it’s safe to assume that you’re thinking about donating one or more of your shiny, virtual Bitcoins to a good cause such as saving stray dogs in Romania. That’s awesome! Bitcoin donations to charities continue to grow dramatically because it’s a safe, easy and convenient way to contribute to charitable causes.
Great response!
ROLDA has had a great response in Bitcoin donations since we began to accept the cryptocurrency back in March 2016.
Give a dog a Bitcoin
When you donate your Bitcoin to ROLDA, you are giving a stray dog a chance to live a long and happy life. We know there are caring people like you who want to help a dog in need. Now we’ve made it easier for you by giving you the option to do so with Bitcoin!
Discover an easy and effective way to help ROLDA save more dogs from your work.
If you’re a current ROLDA supporter or someone who wants to help save stray dogs in Romania, and who believes our charity would make a bigger impact with more contributors, then you can make that change!
Talk to your employer about contributing to our cause through workplace giving.
What is Workplace Giving?
Workplace giving campaigns are annual, employer-sponsored programs that offer employees the opportunity to make a charitable contribution through payroll deduction.
How impactful is Workplace Giving?
Very! Charities are extremely efficient with the contributions they receive. That’s why we always tell you that “no donation is too small.” We are grateful for every donation, and we put every dollar we receive to good use.
ROLDA is no different! We cherish every contribution, and we always ensure that our dogs reap the benefits. Your individual donations make a big difference in a stray dog’s life. But because you and I want to save more stray dogs from suffering, we need to ACT BIG!
Workplace Giving raises collective contributions by raising awareness. Perhaps your employer or colleagues are not aware of the stray dog crisis in Romania but bringing it to their attention may motivate them to contribute to our solution.
Will my employer or colleagues agree?
The only way to know is by asking. It doesn’t hurt to ask or to have a conversation about workplace giving. Just remember that it’s important to respect the decision and circumstances of others and not be pushy.
Even if they do not agree or are unable to contribute now, you should feel proud that you made the effort. And both you and I will always be grateful you did!
Thank you, kindly.
Matching Gift Program: click here
You can also find us on Benevity portal: click here
Put your unwanted car to good use! Donate your car to help rescue homeless dogs.
If you’re reading this, then chances are that you have a car you no longer need or want. Perhaps donating your car wasn’t your first option… and that’s totally okay! Maybe you didn’t even know it was a “thing” you could do. You’d be surprised how many people don’t.
But we’re confident that if more people knew that they could donate their car, they totally would! The process of donating your car is easy! (please go to this link to get started) click here.
Parting ways with your car is difficult. (Well, maybe not all the time. We’re sure there are some people who are just eager to get rid of their jalopy!) But we’re here to reassure you that the act of donating your car to a good cause is always rewarding!
How will ROLDA use the car you donate?
Our ROLDA shelter in Galati, Romania is a 3-hour-drive from Bucharest, where we need to travel often for logistical purposes such as:
● Supply Runs (dog food, medication, veterinary equipment, etc.)
● Veterinary and Animal Hospital appointments (for dogs in need of complicated and/or emergency operations/treatments)
● Adoption Travel (drive dogs that have been adopted to the airport or bus terminal to travel to their adoptive families)
For local purposes, the car will be used for:
● Rescues (drive to rescue stray dogs)
● Campaigns (ROLDA provides sterilization and vaccination campaigns for stray dogs)
● Food Delivery (ROLDA feeds stray dogs in the community)
These are some of the more important things our charity will be able to do more efficiently and more frequently with another car. (Right now, we only have one van which we rely on the fulfill all these tasks and more.) We are extremely grateful for this van. It has saved many lives over the years, but, the truth is, we could benefit from another vehicle. Especially since our goal is to save more lives!
Want to donate your car to ROLDA? Please visit our partner’s page: click here
As an alternative method for donating to a charity, certain taxpayers may transfer funds from their IRA to an eligible charitable organization. If you, as a taxpayer, think about making this type of donation, please read the followings:
● The IRA owner must be age 70 ½ or older.
● The donor must directly transfer the money tax-free to an eligible organization.
● The maximum amount that an IRA owner may transfer annually tax-free is $100,000 to an eligible organization.
● This option, created in 2006 and extended through 2009, is available to eligible IRA owners, regardless of whether they itemize their deductions.
● Distributions from employer-sponsored retirement plans, including SIMPLE IRAs and simplified employee pension plans – commonly referred to as SEP Plans – are not eligible.
● To qualify, the funds must be contributed directly by the IRA trustee to the eligible charity.
● Amounts transferred are not taxable and no deduction is available for the amount given to the charity unless non-deductible contributions are transferred.
● Not all charities are eligible. For example, donor-advised funds and supporting organizations are not eligible recipients.
● Transferred amounts are counted in determining whether the owner has met the IRA’s required minimum distribution rules. Where individuals have made nondeductible contributions to their traditional IRAs, a special rule treats transferred amounts as coming first from taxable funds, instead of proportionately from taxable and nontaxable funds, as would be the case with regular distributions. If non-deductible contributions are transferred to an eligible organization, a charitable contribution deduction may be allowed if itemizing deductions.
● More information about qualified charitable distributions can be found in Publication 590, Individual Retirement Arrangements.
Note: According to IRS, an organization generally must give you a written statement if it receives a payment from you that is more than $75 and is partly a contribution and partly for goods or services. Keep the statement for your records.
You can access the IRS website at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the IRS with your tax questions at 1-800-829-1040
You can send your order for forms, instructions, and publications to the address below. You should receive a response within 10 days after your request is received.
Internal Revenue Service
1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway
Bloomington, IL61705-6613
Romanian League in Defense of Animals, Inc (ROLDA USA) is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to ROLDA are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
ROLDA USA tax identification number is 32-0176929
For additional help, you can contact ROLDA USA representative, Mary by
Email:, Mobile: 410-570-9505
ROLDA operates in one of the poorest regions of Romania, where a family of 4 (or more) members survives with approx. 150 EUR a month. Around 200,000 street dogs, working animals (donkeys, horses), and poor pets (cats, dogs) are exposed to starvation, risk of abandonment, diseases, and death.
The local small clinic can’t cope with a huge demand for small animals wounded, and sick and large animals are basically sacrificed because there is no veterinary clinic equipped for them. For x-ray, RMN, or other complicated investigations, (or often for a correct diagnostic) a pet must be transported to Bucharest (250km, 4 hours driving) but often the animal dies because can’t be stabilized for transport.
The lack of infrastructure for the south, north, and east side of Romania and the shortage of qualified personnel only makes the situation worse for both animals and people that care for them.
Who are the beneficiaries of the PawzUp Project?
PawzUp is a unique project addressed to:
● Second metropolitan zone (after Bucharest) Galati-Braila
● Central Moldavia (one of the poorest regions of Romania)
● A surface of 27.158 km2 (half size of Switzerland country) to be covered where approx. 200.000 animals need us
● 2.000 animals estimated to be helped every year
PawzUp Project covers an area of 4.5 hectares of land (ROLDA’s property), located outside the city of Galati. Imagine an area of 27158 km2 (half the area of Switzerland country). This huge area totally lacks a veterinary clinic, combined with modern sheltering facilities for animals from where the local community can safely adopt, without being worried about the risk of infection or diseases.
PawzUp Services
Services for dogs: Catching, Shelter, Rehabilitation, Medical care, Services for senior dogs, Rehoming
● For cats: Shelter, Medical care, Services for senior cats, Rehoming
● For donkeys and horses: Medical care, Shelter, Services for senior working animals
● For senior people: Therapy with animals
● For the local community: Tours, Education, Seminars about animal’s health, Adoptions
● For young visitors: Education
Help Us Make Another Dream come True!
Together, we can make a dream come true for thousands of animals in need, for thousands of people who love their pets, but don’t have the logistics or the financial possibilities to care for them responsibly and efficiently.
PawzUp Project costs from A to Z
● PawzUp Adoption Center completed 5% of land purchased 300000 EUR
● Horse Sanctuary completed 0% – 80000 EUR
● Donkey Sanctuary completed 0% fundraised 30% – 30000 EUR
● Cattery completed 0% – 35000 EUR
● Rex Clinic completed 70%, still needed Vet Equipment 115000 EUR still needed 55000 EUR
● Dogs Shelter completed 80% still needed Repairs/Improvements/Heating still needed 70000 EUR
1. First phase: Exterior
● Land purchased – 100% completed
● Permits, authorization, architect plan
● Fencing – partially completed
● Prepare the land for building, lay the foundation
● Basic structure: the building walls
● Roof, windows, doors
● Heating, ventilation, and safety systems
Total 250000 EUR
2. Second phase: Interior
● Outfit the dog’s and cats’ facilities
● Equip the technical rooms
● Purchase furniture
● Other interior accessories and fixtures
Total 50000
Be a voice for thousands of dogs abused by the company of one of the richest men in the World
The steel producer from the Romania town, of Galati, is one of the largest, multi-billion companies in Europe, owned by Lakshmi Mittal, a British-Indian citizen. Shortly after being publicly exposed for the mass slaughter of hundreds of dogs, the company’s management contacted ROLDA for help. After months of intense negotiations, the company finally accepted the humane method that we proposed and they promised to build a modern shelter with a veterinary clinic, fully equipped.
After rushing to finish 8 paddocks, the work stopped. We were told that the project is postponed because of the economic crisis. When the strays’ number grew exponentially because the city, close to the steel plant, is full of dogs that constantly reproduce – the company built 2 more paddocks.
It passed another 7 years until the shelter was connected to water and electricity. This happened only after we contacted the company headquarters from London and described the conditions in which our team works. Probably the Romanian management wasn’t happy that we contacted the headquarters. Therefore, the collaboration deteriorated even worse.
“There were many times when I simply wanted to quit, but I never choose the easiest way: I knew that once they stop working with ROLDA, they will start killing animals again. And with the Romanian law that condemns the strays to death, the situation looks even worse” said Dana, Founder of ROLDA.
A few years ago, the management decided to apply sanctions to any employee will give food to the strays roaming on the steel plant platform. End of 2014, new negotiations started with the steel plant management. They are estimated to have around 3000 dogs within their premises. ROLDA succeeded to reduce the strays’ number by 70%.
Negotiations were tense. The Mittal company didn’t give many options. ROLDA’s goal always was a safe future for the dogs from our shelter and for the dogs still present in the steel plant garden. Negotiations lasted from spring to midsummer. In the new contract, the steel company is obliged to complete the investments listed in the annex of the contract in 5 years.
Investments included: repairs of the paddocks, completing the veterinary clinic, etc all required by the law, and all of these promises were made back in 2007 and postponed ever since. ROLDA explained to them many times the importance of clean kennels. We also tried to lobby for running spaces for the dogs’ exercises, but steel management refused.
ROLDA agreed to have the budget reduced by 20% and this money to be used for investments listed in the annex of the contract. Basically, ROLDA contributed to these investments, letting Mittal’s company handle the money in the most efficient way. And they did: In February 2016, they canceled the contract, and stopped the investments but never returned the money they took from us.
This is not “business”. This could be called “robbery” but maybe this is a tough word to use. A CEO from Mittal’s company has over one million EUR salary and bonuses sometimes are higher than the salary itself. Lakshmi Mittal is one of the richest men on Earth. They simply can’t take the dogs’ money!

photo: ROLDA team member with a dog #mittaldogs
With a contract canceled, investments stopped, sewage machine canceled the shelter has no future.
We believed in this project and made the entire World aware of it. We invited TVs to promote it, and we encouraged private animal lovers to donate for shelter improvements, including building a natural wind barrier and building running spaces for dog exercises, which were major reasons for worry for visitors from past years. Lack of running spaces created unfairly a bad image for ROLDA.
To improve the shelter, we had to reunite effort with other animal lovers from around the World, to buy new land, reconstruct the road, and move the fencing. We were not alone in this because we had international support but we couldn’t rely on the steel plant support as they never really cared about the dogs’ wellbeing.
ROLDA feels betrayed by a partner who proved to be immoral, indifferent, ignorant, and arrogant. A few weeks before the contract ended, we were threatened and blackmailed by one of Mittal’s company Romanian managers. We addressed the headquarters with our concerns regarding this behavior and provided them the proof. To our surprise, the headquarters decided to protect the manager.
We had no other options left: we addressed to Court and presently have 2 trials against the steel company. Hiring a lawyer, and paying the Court taxes were additional costs for us. The trials will probably end in 2 years and we don’t know if we can resist that long.
Click here to see our petition on
We created a petition politely addressing Lakshmi Mittal, the owner of the steel plant. As soon as the petition became viral, they blocked our server. Mittal people refuse to hear about these incidents, about the abuses that his company does, and about our worries for these dogs. Let’s not allow this to happen!
Send Your Letter to Mittal Today!
1. Click here to download a sample letter (Word file)
2. You can add your own thoughts. Please be polite and short.
3. Save the letter on your computer
4. Print the letter
5. Sign it
6 Mail it to: ArcelorMittal, Att: Lakshmi Mittal, 7th Floor, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6DA, England or
ArcelorMittal, Att: Lakshmi Mittal, 24-26, Boulevard d’Avranches, L-1160 Luxembourg
Your voice matters!
The shelter deteriorates. The sewage machine was canceled by the steel plant – they didn’t care that dogs and humans are exposed to serious health infection risks if residual waters are not collected on time and efficiently. The solution found means extra money from a budget we don’t have. There is no money for repairs and the authorities will suspend our authorization soon. The projects were obviously postponed. And our dreams are slowly dying… and that’s worst than “an impossible dream”.
Swiss supporters fundraised for first aid supplies, and food for people and animals affected by floods. Lolita and Michele joined our team to deliver the much need items to families in the most affected villages in Galati county.
Severe floods caused huge damages
On 11 October, it rained a lot in Galati county, in some areas even 200l/meter!!! The locals from 4 villages were witnesses of a nightmare: Waters invaded their garden, the basement of their houses, and the house itself. The floor, refrigerator, washing machine, clothing, and provisions for winter for people and farm animals were gone in an instant. Some farm animals were taken by water. Nobody could save them.
The village of Smardan, where ROLDA’s small shelter is located, was less affected. Click here to view a video to see the road to the shelter full of water, still inaccessible for walking. The rain caused minimal damage to ROLDA shelters: the access road needs repairs and the clinic roof also. Compared with the drama that other people suffer these days, we were lucky.
For over 1000 families the situation is critical!
700 houses from the “red code” area are completely or partially destroyed. For these people, the coming winter is terribly sad and full of worries. They lost everything or at least their warm clothing, blankets, electronics, and provisions. 1000 families are living, as you read these lines, in improvised spaces (e.g. school ‘sports room, church) or with relatives.
In the coming months, as the weather gets colder, these people will need constant support. Funds collected will be used to provide emergency food aid for the pets (and if possible, supplies for humans) from the most affected areas of the Galati region.