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Thank you, ,

for donating a doghouse!

Dear ,

Your act of kindness has instantly provided to 2 humble dogs the comfort and and refuge against extreme weather they’ve been seeking for years. Your willingness to help suffering animals in Romania means that your compassion has no boundaries. For you, all lives matter!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

ROLDA speaks up for these poor voiceless animals…and you listened!

Dana Costin
Founder & President of Romanian League In Defense Of Animals

What can be achieved with a $50.00 USD donation?

Well... Did you know that a donation of $50.00 USD can help us to:

Purchase quality, nutrient-rich dog food to feed 10 dogs for 2 weeks

Cover the cost to spay or neuter a dog, plus give him or her preventative vaccinations for a year.

Cover the cost for a visit to the vet.

Visit these pages to learn more about what we do and why