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SOS Romanian Strays

If this image breaks your heart, imagine how it is to watch the World from the inside! No medical care. No food. No hope. No life! Abandoned, neglected, suffering in silence: they are the street dogs of Romania. You see them at the edge of the road, trying to survive. On occasions, they eat dead corps of other dogs, hit by cars.

SOS Romanian Strays

If this image breaks your heart, imagine how it is to watch the World from the inside! No medical care. No food. No hope. No life! Abandoned, neglected, suffering in silence: they are the street dogs of Romania. You see them at the edge of the road, trying to survive. On occasions, they eat dead corps of other dogs, hit by cars.

Sometimes, it is hard to decide who are the lucky ones: those who remained to starve and hope in human’ kindness or the others, who left this life. You can read the worries and fear of a dog-mother eye. What holds the future for her puppies?

These dogs need humans, not “just” people!

Looking around, you might think you saw the worst World for a dog can be born, live into and bear with. You are wrong! Many of these dogs have no food and no warm place to stay in winter, they are full of parasites and often wounded. But they still have their freedom, the possibility to run and interact with others and the joy to feel the sun and the grass. Unfortunately, for a small percentage, life can be even crueler!

The public shelter dogs

Trapped by dog catchers, some of the dogs end up in public concentration camps where they are waiting to die. Day by day, crowded in filthy small spaces, with no sun, no fresh air and we would think – no reason of hope.

Every time these dogs see a visitor (a human being coming closer) they bark, wag their tails and leave their heads down disappointed if the visit is off and they remain imprisoned.

Being empathetic toward others’ suffering reminds us that we are humans. It is a nice feeling. The way we choose to react to help these voiceless souls might be a way to measure what’s left of our own humanity.

Respect for the dog’s lives! Will you ignore or help them?

1. Please sign the petition to put an end to corruption and abuses from the Romanian local pounds!
2. Share the petition with friends and animal activists Worldwide!
3. Help us rescue more homeless dogs. Donate!

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