Retirement Assets – Become an IRA Donor!

As an alternative method for donating to a charity, certain taxpayers may transfer funds from their IRA to an eligible charitable organization. If you, as a taxpayer, think about making this type of donation, please read the followings:
● The IRA owner must be age 70 ½ or older.
● The donor must directly transfer the money tax-free to an eligible organization.
● The maximum amount that an IRA owner may transfer annually tax-free is $100,000 to an eligible organization.
● This option, created in 2006 and extended through 2009, is available to eligible IRA owners, regardless of whether they itemize their deductions.
● Distributions from employer-sponsored retirement plans, including SIMPLE IRAs and simplified employee pension plans – commonly referred to as SEP Plans – are not eligible.
● To qualify, the funds must be contributed directly by the IRA trustee to the eligible charity.
● Amounts transferred are not taxable and no deduction is available for the amount given to the charity unless non-deductible contributions are transferred.
● Not all charities are eligible. For example, donor-advised funds and supporting organizations are not eligible recipients.
● Transferred amounts are counted in determining whether the owner has met the IRA’s required minimum distribution rules. Where individuals have made nondeductible contributions to their traditional IRAs, a special rule treats transferred amounts as coming first from taxable funds, instead of proportionately from taxable and nontaxable funds, as would be the case with regular distributions. If non-deductible contributions are transferred to an eligible organization, a charitable contribution deduction may be allowed if itemizing deductions.
● More information about qualified charitable distributions can be found in Publication 590, Individual Retirement Arrangements.
Note: According to IRS, an organization generally must give you a written statement if it receives a payment from you that is more than $75 and is partly a contribution and partly for goods or services. Keep the statement for your records.
You can access the IRS website at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the IRS with your tax questions at 1-800-829-1040
You can send your order for forms, instructions, and publications to the address below. You should receive a response within 10 days after your request is received.
Internal Revenue Service
1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway
Bloomington, IL61705-6613
Romanian League in Defense of Animals, Inc (ROLDA USA) is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to ROLDA are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
ROLDA USA tax identification number is 32-0176929
For additional help, you can contact ROLDA USA representative, Mary by
Email:, Mobile: 410-570-9505