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President message 2020
February 3, 2023

President message 2020

The modern human prefers to speak alone on a phone that has a mechanic job to convert accurately sounds into words, when not very many years ago, people were hand-writing letters to each other as a sign of appreciation.

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ROLDA’S 15-year anniversary
February 3, 2023

ROLDA’S 15-year anniversary

When ROLDA started, I never imagined how we would be 15 years later, or how fast the years would pass. Together with my team, we were always busy with what happened TODAY, with rescuing and other struggles. We got used to authorities not helping us (sometimes contrarily), and we also got used to our community’s indifference to our work.

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Ben – ROLDAs First Rescue Donkey
February 3, 2023

Ben – ROLDAs First Rescue Donkey

For 12 long years, Ben the Donkey was passed from abusive owner to abusive owner. Not one of them cared for Ben. They couldn’t even bother to stroke his ears or pet his nose. To these ignorant owners, Ben was just a working animal to be exploited for profit.

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Aging horse asks for a peaceful end
February 3, 2023

Aging horse asks for a peaceful end

My name is Big Bang. I believe people mean well. As difficult as my life is, theirs is just as difficult. I was born on a farm in Romania, and I was expected, as everyone in a low-income community is, to work hard. And the work I have. Now, however, I am old.

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Horses in Romania exploited, then slaughtered
February 3, 2023

Horses in Romania exploited, then slaughtered

Most horses in Romania are used for intense labor and transport, especially in rural communities. There are an estimated one million “working horses” in Romania. Years ago, the European Union clearly demanded that all horses must be identified and registered, but thousands of horses are never registered so they can be sold for their meat—which is illegal in Romania.

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Yelp you can’t ignore. Double donation (fall period)
January 20, 2023

Yelp you can’t ignore. Double donation (fall period)

It is the very early morning of the first sterilization day in Smardan, the veterinary clinic and its garden are full of people and their pets waiting – when Paula, our volunteer, rushed in yelping. That day, the ROLDA family grew with 2 more members: Two dirty fur balls; two pairs of innocent eyes that couldn’t open completely because of the abundance of ticks, trying to observe curiously or with precaution all our moves.

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100 dogs and cats sterilized in september
January 20, 2023

100 dogs and cats sterilized in september

Sep. 23, 2018—Staff and volunteers from ROLDA Sverige were in Romania this weekend to carry out a sterilization campaign for pets of impoverished families who cannot afford the procedure. With the help of our local team, 100 dogs and cats were successfully sterilized and registered in Smardan and Piscu.

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Coollectible art objects puurffect for animals in need
January 20, 2023

Coollectible art objects puurffect for animals in need

Collectible art donations also entitle you to a Fair Market Tax Deduction! There are far more benefits that may be yours once you decide to make a collectible art donation. These advantages include earning a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of your donated items and freeing up wall space to display yet more artwork.

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Give a dog a Bitcoin
January 20, 2023

Give a dog a Bitcoin

ROLDA now accepts Bitcoins! Donate Bitcoins to save stray dogs in Romania. Since you’ve landed here, it’s safe to assume that you’re thinking about donating one or more of your shiny, virtual Bitcoins to a good cause such as saving stray dogs in Romania. That’s awesome! 

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Help save more strays dogs
January 20, 2023

Help save more strays dogs

Discover an easy and effective way to help ROLDA save more dogs from your work. If you’re a current ROLDA supporter or someone who wants to help save stray dogs in Romania, and who believes our charity would make a bigger impact with more contributors, then you can make that change!

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Donate your car to save dogs
January 20, 2023

Donate your car to save dogs

If you’re reading this, then chances are that you have a car you no longer need or want. Perhaps donating your car wasn’t your first option … and that’s totally okay! Maybe you didn’t even know it was a “thing” you could do. You’d be surprised how many people don’t.

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January 20, 2023


Discover more photo of ROLDA USA events

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Retirement Assets – Become an IRA Donor!
January 20, 2023

Retirement Assets – Become an IRA Donor!

As an alternative method for donating to a charity, certain taxpayers may transfer funds from their IRA to an eligible charitable organization. If you, as a taxpayer, think about making this type of donation, please read the followings: ● The IRA owner must be age 70 ½ or older. ● The donor must directly transfer ... Retirement Assets – Become an IRA Donor!

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Why to invest in PawzUp Project?
January 20, 2023

Why to invest in PawzUp Project?

ROLDA operates in one of the poorest regions of Romania, where a family of 4 (or more) members survive with approx. 150 EUR a month. Around 200,000 street dogs, working animals (donkeys, horses) and poor pets (cats, dogs) are exposed to starvation, risk of abandon, diseases, death.

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12 Reasons to Sign It
January 19, 2023

12 Reasons to Sign It

The steel producer from the Romania town, of Galati, is one of the largest, multi-billion companies in Europe, owned by Lakshmi Mittal, a British-Indian citizen. Shortly after being publicly exposed for the mass slaughter of hundreds of dogs, the company’s management contacted ROLDA for help.

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Floods Disaster
January 19, 2023

Floods Disaster

Swiss supporters fundraised for first aid supplies, food for people and animals affected by floods. Lolita and Michele joined our team to deliver the much need items to families in the most affected villages in Galati county.

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International adoptions
January 16, 2023

International adoptions

Although part of the EU since the 1st of January 2007, Romania is the country with the highest strays overpopulation in entire Europe, and of the highest in the entire World. Presently, the laws are not in dogs’ favor either, Romania being one of the countries where the law clearly permits the killing of healthy dogs and where there is a deadline for keeping dogs in municipal shelters.

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Change lives
January 16, 2023

Change lives

It’s been 10 years since ROLDA was born as a charity in Romania and also in the USA. It is a time of celebration for all the people that made this dream possible. Some came and go, and some others remained. Our team grew internationally, stronger than ever. But is it enough?

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Help for 200 dogs
January 16, 2023

Help for 200 dogs

“Andy is one puppy found in the trash. He suffered multiple lesions and one eye couldn’t be saved. After all the efforts made to save him, Andy is in big danger! 200 dogs including Andy are left starving by the steel plant in Romania. “ said Dana Costin, founder of ROLDA

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Sterilization Campaign 2016
January 16, 2023

Sterilization Campaign 2016

Between 29 May – 4 June, in collaboration with the ROLDA Swiss branch (Association ROLDA Suisse), we’ll organize the second mass sterilization and microchipping campaign in Smardan, Andrei Med Vet clinic. The campaign is addressed to all the dogs (and cats) located in the Smardan area which are sheltered and looked after by people with low income.

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Food appeal
January 16, 2023

Food appeal

Every day, countless shelters from all over the World ask for help from their supporters. In the past, ROLDA didn’t request ongoing support for food, except for the winter campaigns when emergency aid food had to go to homeless animals from the surroundings or be donated to pets from families with extremely low income. Recently, our budget suffered radical changes, and today I must ask for your attention and your support to feed our dogs!

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Our Gift to You
January 16, 2023

Our Gift to You

Everyone at ROLDA is extremely grateful for your support, and we all know that without you, we’d be unable to help homeless dogs in Romania. We apologize if we don’t express our thanks to you enough, and we want to remind you that we haven’t forgotten all you’ve done for homeless dogs in Romania.

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Google “Romanian strays”. What do you get?
January 16, 2023

Google “Romanian strays”. What do you get?

Countless pictures of dogs in pain. Dogs abused, horrifically injured, or starving to death in our “public shelters”. It is not unusual for them to attack and eat each other out of desperation. After 14 days in this government-sponsored hell, you may wonder what happens next. Mass executions

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ROLDA President Message 2015
January 16, 2023

ROLDA President Message 2015

Buffy is one of the thousands of dogs that ROLDA helped since we begin our rescue mission in Romania. Next year we’ll celebrate 10 years since we are incorporated as a charity in the USA but also in Romania, a country where, for the record, rescue activity started long before 2006.

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