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The story of Doina

Even though Doina was someone’s pet, she was never given a name. It was us who named her Doina when her family brought her to us after their other dog (who is more than twice her size) bit off her left eye.

The story of Doina

A beautiful and forgiving soul, abused by the people she trusted

Even though Doina was someone’s pet, she was never given a name. It was us who named her Doina when her family brought her to us after their other dog (who is more than twice her size) bit off her left eye.

The family informed us that they could not afford to pay for Doina’s surgery and no longer wanted her. We told them that we would gladly take her in and get her into surgery immediately, but they refused to release her to us until we reimbursed them for Doina’s vaccinations (because apparently, it was a waste of money to vaccinate a dog they no longer want to keep).

We were able to gather the money to pay them, and we rushed Doina to our veterinarian, Dr. Andrei. Sadly, Doina had already lost her eye, but Dr. Andrei and his team took great care of her. They cleaned, cauterized, and sutured her wound. She is still a little shaken up, but she has a good appetite and seems to be healing well.


Doina will be staying with us at our sanctuary, where our trusted veterinarian and our ROLDA team will monitor Doina’s progress. We will nurse this beautiful soul back to health, and we will help her adjust to living with one eye (we have done it many times before, and they have gone on to live fulfilling lives with amazing families).

Although Doina is now safe with us, we still need help to pay for her veterinary bills. Dr. Andrei trusts us because we have been working together for many years, and he knows that it takes us time to raise the money to help the dogs we rescue. He has always been compassionate, understanding, and patient with his patients and with us, and we can always count on him.


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