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Rex social clinic

What happens when a tiny puppy catches a cold, an abandoned Rotweiller has a toothache or a 130-pound intimidating shepherd dog comes down with an intestinal disorder? If they happen to be just some of the 650 dogs at the REX charitable clinic, the chances for a speedy recovery increase.…because of your support! But first, we must purchase the basic needed equipment, to make it functional.

Rex social clinic

What happens when a tiny puppy catches a cold, an abandoned Rotweiller has a toothache or a 130-pound intimidating shepherd dog comes down with an intestinal disorder? If they happen to be just some of the 650 dogs at the REX charitable clinic, the chances for a speedy recovery increase.…because of your support! But first, we must purchase the basic needed equipment, to make it functional.

First Charitable Clinic to serve 300000 strays, pets and farm animals

The REX building was finished in the fall of 2011 and it was connected to water and electricity in 2014.

As soon as the basic veterinary equipment will be purchased, the clinic will start functioning as a “social veterinary clinic“. The building has two separate entries: one for new coming dogs, which need to spend the first few days in quarantine and one entry for the staff, visitors, and dogs already housed in our shelter.

The first entry takes you to the quarantine and to the grooming area where the new dogs, often dirty and full of ticks, have a bath.

We also purchased a hydraulic grooming table that goes as low as 25 cm from the ground, ideal for gently handling shy dogs, without stressing them.

The REX Clinic rooms:

● Quarantine area
● Surgery theater
● Examination room
● Laboratory room
● Recovery area
The clinic building also needs insurance, a surveillance system, a fire alarm, an electric insect controller (UV), steam cleaner.

Additional spaces of the clinic are the office vet staff area and the medicines storage room plus an additional room for blankets, soft accessories, disinfectant, etc.

For the medicine storage room, we need a refrigerator to keep the medicines (especially vaccines) at a constant low temperature, as required by the producer, day and night, all year round. If the vaccines are not stored properly, they will not be efficient at all.

Photos of the REX Social Clinic

A searing pain spread like wildfire through Lori’s haunches and tail. Running away was impossible because he had a broken leg. Presently, he is at the ROLDA sanctuary.

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