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The Health of hundreds of animals is in Your Hands!

The Health of hundreds of animals is in Your Hands!
5 Donors
$1069.04 Raised
$3.500 Goal

Help us vaccinate 700 dogs and cats

The total cost of the vaccination campaign is 3500 EUR.
Vaccination is one of the most advanced techniques that modern medicine uses to prevent and control contagious diseases in both humans and animals. As a responsible pet owner, you take your dog(s)/cat(s) to the veterinarian each year for his or her vaccines to protect them against various contagious and lethal diseases which would be very expensive to treat.

Up to 70% of unvaccinated litters die before becoming adults

Thus, vaccination is a responsible attitude. It saves lives.
There are countries around the globe that completely eradicated rabies, after years of sustained vaccination programs nationwide. We all know that rabies is a devastating disease, lethal to both people and animals.

In Romania, rabies cases are extremely rare and the disease is kept under control, according to the authorities. A few years ago, rabies was a problem in Romania, but thanks to well-coordinated nationwide programs and EU support, Romania has fewer worries regarding rabies.

Help vaccinate our animals

Your donation saves #roldadogs and cats lives! Help us get our animals vaccinated!

Homeless animals are exposed to rabies due to their frequent contact with wild animals. Strays are also exposed to diseases like distemper, parvovirosis, and hepatitis – viruses that have high mortality rates, especially among puppies.

But all these viruses can be prevented with a simple vaccine.
One of the best annually administrated vaccines for dogs on the Romanian market costs 5 EUR. This vaccine prevents contagious diseases to appear, spread and claim innocent victims.

It’s widely believed that only mutts or common dog breeds are disposed of like trash … but it’s not true. Even “breed dogs” are victims of abandon. At -15C, ROLDA Rescue Team spotted 5 tiny dogs who had been abandoned and left to die on the edge of the road. They were trying to keep each other warm. Their small, delicate legs were frozen. They are 5 pups in total: 2 males and 3 females, a Shih-Tzu mix. They need a vaccine and to be placed in quarantine for 21 days.

Because they are puppies, the vaccine must be repeated for complete immunization. This means that for each puppy welcomed in our shelter, the cost of vaccination is 10 EUR.

You are the only chance these animals have!

5 EUR for a dog/cat vaccine which will protect him/her against 7 diseases that would be expensive, or sometimes impossible to cure.

A total of 3500 EUR is needed to vaccinate all our dogs and cats.

If we don’t vaccinate all our dogs annually, ROLDA will:

● Be removed from TRACES and all adoptions will stop;

● Face huge veterinary bills and see unhealthy animals exposed to horrible, life-threatening diseases;

● Risk exposing staff to infection;

● Face closure of shelters;

● Be forced to stop and we will be incapable of saving more animals from the streets.

Annual vaccination is vital in a shelter with lots of animals rescued and many more coming, where new rescues can transmit diseases:
1. Distemper leaves permanent nervous damage on adult dogs, while 99,9% of puppies don’t survive it. Diseases like parvo are nearly impossible to control and prevent their spreading to newly saved pups or weaker adults.
2. ROLDA shelter is registered in TRACES, and this is a vital condition for our charity to continue to rehome our dogs abroad. To stay in TRACES, we need to have a disease control strategy. Prevention is the cheapest way to limit the mass spreading of diseases, especially in a very busy shelter like ours.
3. We have a moral duty to all adopting families to deliver healthy animals.
4. We have a moral duty to keep our staff and our shelters’ visitors healthy and not expose them to infection risk.

Healthy animals equal happy animals, happy staff, happy adopters, safe working conditions …and in the end, happy supporters who see that their donations are put to work for what they care the most.

Be part of the solution

Help vaccinate our animals!

Transparency is important for ROLDA, as well as showing gratitude to our dedicated supporters.

Individual donations are listed on the right column. When you make a donation directly on this page, your name and the amount will appear automatically. If you send a check or wire a donation marked “for vaccination campaign”, we will add your donation manually. In case you don’t see your name and amount donated listed, please send us an email at

Estimated cost/unit adult dog or cat $5

Estimated cost/unit puppy or kitten $10

Annual estimated cost $3.500

Wall of fame
  • Alexandre $20
  • Sonja $37
  • ANITA $15
  • Kristy $50
  • Cristina $47
  • ROLDA USA $ 900
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Ongoing costs
#FriendsForever: a project to keep elderly people and their pets together
6 Donors
$1150 Raised
$14000 Goal

#FriendsForever was created by ROLDA to help seniors keep their pets healthy and prevent them from being forced to abandon the only friend they may have.

Ongoing costs
Protection against deadly heartworm (Dirofilaria)
Dogs vs Dirofilaria
1 Donors
$21327 Raised
$34.300 Goal

A much deadlier condition we must protect our dogs from is the lethal heartworm, a parasite found in mosquitoes which can be passed on to dogs from bites. Heartworms – as the name suggests – find a home in the cardiovascular systems of dogs and eventually cause fatal heart disease. What makes heartworms such deadly killers is the early stages of infection are very subtle and difficult to spot.

Ongoing costs
Protection against common parasites
Protection against common parasites
2 Donors
$21368 Raised
$47.700 Goal

Parasites – such as fleas and ticks – may be tiny but the risk they pose to our dogs’ health can be huge. Ticks – a danger to humans and dog alike – carry Lyme disease, can cause severe anaemia, even seizures in case of weak puppies. Fleas – whilst more of a nuisance – can cause severe infections, especially from repeated scratching and breaking of the skin. Prevention is better than cure in all cases. ‘Spot-On’ treatments are effective in the case of fleas and ticks.

Ongoing costs
Free doghouses for dogs kept outside
Build a doghouse
2 Donors
$145 Raised
$33.000 Goal

Romanian culture of dog ownership may seem harsh compared to Western Europe where dogs are often lucky enough to sleep in their master’s bed! In the countryside, usually, dogs ‘live’ outside, in gardens, and are rarely allowed indoors. This is often because many Romanians fear thieves or wild animals entering their property and dogs act as a deterrent. By supporting ROLDA’s doghouse project today, you are giving dogs in Romania the instant relief they seek and the refuge they need to survive.

Capital cost
Build PawzUp Center
PawzUp Center
3 Donors
$265100 Raised
$5.250.000 Goal

Perhaps ROLDA’s most ambitious project (for now!) is the construction of the PawzUp centre. ROLDA envisions clean, modern and attractive buildings that will function both as adoption centre for rescued animals but also as a community hub. PawzUp will be a place where the public can adopt as well as socialise, learn important information regarding the care of their pets and one day offer free veterinary care to the community.