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Free doghouses for dogs kept outside

Free doghouses for dogs kept outside
2 Donors
$145 Raised
$33.000 Goal

Sponsor a doghouse for 2 medium pets

Help give a dog refuge from fatal weather

There are more than 1,200 limited-income families within a 5-mile radius from our ROLDA sanctuary in Galati, Romania, who cannot afford to buy or build their dog a doghouse.

Sadly, many of these dogs die from overexposure to extreme weather each year.

One dog house can protect 2 dogs against extreme weather.

ROLDA launched “Sponsor a doghouse” project to deliver free doghouses to dog owners with limited income in nearby villages. We hope that around 400 dogs will have shelter to protect them from bad weather conditions. By supporting ROLDA’s doghouse project today, you are giving dogs in Romania the instant relief they seek and the refuge they need to survive.

Please make your generous gift today — $165 will cover the cost of one doghouse made by Italy by the Ferplast company, but a gift of any size will help change the life of a homeless dog in need.

Transparency is important for ROLDA, as well as showing gratitude to our dedicated supporters.

Individual donations are listed in the right column. When you make a donation directly on this page, your name and the amount will appear automatically. If you send a check or wire a donation marked “for doghouse campaign”, we will add your donation manually. In case you don’t see your name and amount donated listed, please send us an email at

Estimated cost/unit $165

Annual estimated cost $33.000

Wall of fame
  • Kel $115
  • Emanuel $30
Check these other ones
Ongoing costs
#FriendsForever: a project to keep elderly people and their pets together
5 Donors
$1130 Raised
$14000 Goal

#FriendsForever was created by ROLDA to help seniors keep their pets healthy and prevent them from being forced to abandon the only friend they may have.

Ongoing costs
The Health of hundreds of animals is in Your Hands!
Vaccines needed for our dogs
5 Donors
$1069.04 Raised
$3.500 Goal

In a shelter with hundreds of dogs, highly contagious diseases – such as distemper – could be devastating. This is why ROLDA imposes a strict quarantine period for all new rescued dogs, during which they receive broad-spectrum vaccines before they are let socialize with current residents of our shelter. However, vaccinations must be ‘topped-up’ annually with booster shots.

Ongoing costs
Protection against deadly heartworm (Dirofilaria)
Dogs vs Dirofilaria
0 Donors
$21308 Raised
$34.300 Goal

A much deadlier condition we must protect our dogs from is the lethal heartworm, a parasite found in mosquitoes which can be passed on to dogs from bites. Heartworms – as the name suggests – find a home in the cardiovascular systems of dogs and eventually cause fatal heart disease. What makes heartworms such deadly killers is the early stages of infection are very subtle and difficult to spot.

Ongoing costs
Protection against common parasites
Protection against common parasites
2 Donors
$21368 Raised
$47.700 Goal

Parasites – such as fleas and ticks – may be tiny but the risk they pose to our dogs’ health can be huge. Ticks – a danger to humans and dog alike – carry Lyme disease, can cause severe anaemia, even seizures in case of weak puppies. Fleas – whilst more of a nuisance – can cause severe infections, especially from repeated scratching and breaking of the skin. Prevention is better than cure in all cases. ‘Spot-On’ treatments are effective in the case of fleas and ticks.

Capital cost
Build PawzUp Center
PawzUp Center
3 Donors
$265100 Raised
$5.250.000 Goal

Perhaps ROLDA’s most ambitious project (for now!) is the construction of the PawzUp centre. ROLDA envisions clean, modern and attractive buildings that will function both as adoption centre for rescued animals but also as a community hub. PawzUp will be a place where the public can adopt as well as socialise, learn important information regarding the care of their pets and one day offer free veterinary care to the community.