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Protection against common parasites

Protection against common parasites
2 Donors
$21368 Raised
$47.700 Goal

Help dogs and cats to fight against fleas and ticks

From March to October, dogs and cats are in danger of being infested with fleas and ticks.

Fleas can survive freezing temperatures as immature pupae living in untreated animals such as homeless, neglected animals. Once the warm weather arrives, these pupae will thaw and begin to lay their eggs.

Ticks survive freezing temperatures in microclimates, and after the thaw, a female tick can lay hundreds to thousands of eggs at one time.

Fleas and ticks carry an array of potentially fatal diseases including anemia, tapeworms, and Lyme disease, that are transmitted to dogs, cats, and even humans. Fleas and ticks are incredibly stubborn pests that are almost impossible to eliminate. It’s even extremely difficult to keep their numbers under control.

These parasites can be extremely harmful to dogs and cats and can cause a wide array of health problems, including tick paralysis. Homeless animals are exposed and vulnerable to fleas and ticks because they are in constant contact with infected dogs and other animals.

And of course, because they do not receive a flea and tick preventive. If these animals remain untreated, most will succumb to the infections and diseases transmitted by these relentless pests.

Together we can prevent fleas and ticks from harming vulnerable animals in Romania. Help us protect these voiceless souls with Advantix Spot-on Solution prevention treatment—one of the safest and most effective ways to fight external parasites.

The monthly dose of Advantix Spot-on Solution for one animal costs as little as 8 USD and it guarantees a safe, healthy, and happy dog or cat!

It doesn’t cost much to help a lonely homeless animal be healthy, so please, donate today.

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Individual donations are listed in the right column. When you make a donation directly on this page, your name and the amount will appear automatically. If you send a check or wire a donation marked “for the campaign against fleas and ticks”, we will add your donation manually. In case you don’t see your name and amount donated listed, please send us an email at

Estimated cost/unit $8

Annual estimated cost $47.700

Wall of fame
  • Rae $10
  • Sabrina $50
  • ROLDA Suisse $9208
  • ROLDA USA $6500
  • ROLDA UK $5600
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The Health of hundreds of animals is in Your Hands!
Vaccines needed for our dogs
5 Donors
$1069.04 Raised
$3.500 Goal

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Ongoing costs
Protection against deadly heartworm (Dirofilaria)
Dogs vs Dirofilaria
1 Donors
$21327 Raised
$34.300 Goal

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Ongoing costs
Free doghouses for dogs kept outside
Build a doghouse
2 Donors
$145 Raised
$33.000 Goal

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Capital cost
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PawzUp Center
3 Donors
$265100 Raised
$5.250.000 Goal

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