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#FriendsForever: a project to keep elderly people and their pets together

#FriendsForever: a project to keep elderly people and their pets together
6 Donors
$1150 Raised
$14000 Goal

#FriendsForever was created by ROLDA to help seniors keep their pets healthy and prevent them from being forced to abandon the only friend they may have.

Many seniors in Romania live on the brink of crisis, in depression and poverty, often being forced to choose between buying medicines or paying utility bills.
Having a pet, for many, is the best thing that has happened to them. Older pet owners have often told us how incredibly lonely their lives were before their pet’s companionship.
Started in January 2023, ROLDA’s #FriendsForever campaign continues to support seniors who have a monthly income under 2,000 lei (approx 400 euro), by paying pet-related costs to ensure their needs are met.

Where has your donation helped?

December - 2023

Case 1

Mrs. Gaby saved little Plusi from the street. Unfortunately, when she found her, half of her nose was missing, she was prone to infection in the uterus and her liver was enlarged. The cat was extremely gentle and Ms. Gaby immediately took her to the vet, but she couldn’t afford to pay all the costs, as she is retired due to illness and her income is very low. At first the doctors thought the cat had infectious peritonitis, a disease that can only be treated at exorbitant costs, and the mortality rate is 90%. Fortunately, the cat did not test positive for this disease. The cat did all the analyzes and investigations necessary to have the right diagnosis and administer her the appropriate treatment. ROLDA helped with all these costs, and the cat is now recovering, in Gaby’s care.

Case 2

Mrs. Lidia has 3 dogs, each of them with a different health issue: Pusica has kidney problems, Belluta has heart issues, both of them needing daily treatment, and the third one started losing the fur on his back, he needed to have a dermatological examination and than he received treatment. Mrs. Lidia could not have covered the vet bills without our help and we hope the three sweeties can live many more years loved and well cared by her.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

vet emergency

Total amount spent:
1.470 lei (aprox. 295 euro)

November - 2023

Case 1

Mrs. Antoaneta rescued 2 cats that were sick and needed treatment for panleukopenia. We helped her cover the treatment costs and also do the FPV test.

Case 2

Mrs. Gabriela is retired and takes care of her sick brother. Her income is very low and can hardly take her of her 4 rescued cats. ROLDA helped her sterilize the four cats.

Case 3

Mrs. Anisoara’ s dog is very old and she has no money to pay for her treatments. She needed dental cleaning and sanitation and ROLDA helped with the costs.

Case 4

Mrs. Ilinca rescued recently 3 more cats: Betty, Tanu and Athos – a small kitten found on the street. She needed internal deworming and external treatment for flees and thicks to start preparing them for vaccination and not put in danger the other animals in her care.

Case 5

Mr. Cristi is the owner of sweet Daisy. She was hit by a car and her back legs were damaged: the left leg was broken in 2 parts and the right one was also hurt. Thanks to our help Daisy had the surgery and the left leg was fixed with a metal rod. She is now slowly recovering and each day she feels better and better. Without us, her surgery could not be done.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!


prevention care

vet emergency

Total amount spent:
3.781 lei (aprox. 750 euro)

October - 2023

Case 1

Mrs. Antoaneta asked ROLDA’s support for vaccinating two rescued dogs.

Case 2

Mrs. Gabi is feeding not only her cats but also the ones that found refuge on a field near her house. Since all the prices for the cat and dog food went up she can hardly manage to buy food for her ones and she called to see if we could help in any way. We sent her cat food.

Case 3

Mrs. Lucica from Scornicesti had to do the second vaccine for the 7 cats that were thrown in her yard and we continued our support, as promised. As soon as the doctor will approve, they will be also sterilized by ROLDA.

Case 4

Mrs. Gabriela had a very difficult surgery and all the money she had were spent for medicines and other costs related to it. Her dogs were out of food and we made arrangements for having it delivered to her house. This is the message she sent us: “Hooray, today the little one will eat their fill. Thank you very much ROLDA, I wish you good health and all the best.”

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

food and daily care


prevention care

Total amount spent:
2.763 lei (aprox. 550 euro)

September - 2023

Case 1

Bella has a heart disease and she needs a very expensive treatment each month. ROLDA sponsored her treatment for 2 months.

Case 2

Mrs. Paraschiva asked our support for vaccinating two cats and for castrating a tomcat.

Case 3

Pufi has heart issues, he went for a vet check and to get his new treatment and ROLDA covered the related costs.

Case 4

Mrs. Gabriela found a tomcat abandoned that she took immediately to the vet for a check and to be castrated. Having a very low income she couldn’t cover the costs and she contacted us for support.

Case 5

Shoni had an ear infection, he needed to go many times at the vet to be cleaned, treated and now he is finally healthy again. We helped his owner with the costs.

Case 6

We helped Bobita also in the past and we continue doing it. This time his owner contacted us requesting our support for buying food. There are periods when she can hardly cover her monthly expenses…

Case 7

Mrs. Lucica is from Scornicesti and a few weeks ago 7 cats were thrown over her fence, in the yard. Since she had other rescued kittens with panleukopenia she asked our help to urgently vaccinate all 7, to keep them healthy and avoid other problems and expenses. The cats will be also sterilized with our support.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!


food and daily care

vet emergency

prevention care

Total amount spent:
3.117 lei (aprox. 620 euro)

August - 2023

Case 1

Mrs. Vasilica rescued from the street a pregnant female dog who gave birth to 6 puppies. This took her to owning 9 dogs as she couldn’t find adopters for the 6 puppies. In this moment all the female dogs are sterilized and she asked for our support for external flea & tick prevention treatment.

Case 2

Ioana has a retired neighbor with very low income who has 10 dogs in her care and many cats. Whenever she can, she is buying food to help her. All her pets are rescued from the streets and are very well cared even if she has this difficult situation. ROLDA provided food for the pets in her care.

Case 3

Mrs. Gabriela has 15 dogs and out of them 3 suffer of mange and 2 are being treated for cancer and will need to visit the doctor after they finish the treatment, to be evaluated and see the next steps. ROLDA covered the costs for the treatment and tests done for the dogs who have mange.

Case 4

Mrs. Zenovia raised a small puppy, Thor, since he was just a newborn, feeding him with a syringe. The puppy’s mother died in a car accident, and he had 2 more brothers that also died. Thor is 5 months old now and he was run over by a car 2 months ago. He was checked by the vet and it was found that it has a broken bone in the knee and a broken toe. He needed a plaster cast. ROLDA helped with all the vet costs.

Case 5

Mrs. Mariana has a dog and a rabbit. She contacted us to help her with the costs of the tests for the rabbit, because he had an irritation on his back that was not healing and needed to be investigated. Going to the vet for the tests and the treatment, she also sterilized the rabbit. ROLDA paid the vet costs for the tests and the sterilization.

Case 6

Mrs. Gaby lives on the outskirts of the city and takes care of 15 dogs and more than 10 cats on the field near her house. She recently rescued 2 more cats that were abandoned, one was already sterilized and for the other she needed our help for sterilizing her and also for the flee & tick external treatment. ROLDA also bought her food for the dogs she is caring for.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!


food and daily care

vet emergency

Total amount spent:
3.085 lei (aprox. 620 euro)

July - 2023

Case 1

Mrs. Marioara and her husband have rescued 70 stray dogs over the years. Their income is very, very low and they can barely cover the food costs, especially as kibbles are getting more and more expensive.
They asked for our help in covering the costs of 12 flea and tick prevention treatments.

Case 2

Remember Rita and her owner, Mrs. Valeria? A while ago we helped Rita get much needed surgery on one of her injured hindlegs.
Then it was time to operate on the other.
Everything went very well and she is now recovering. Mrs. Valeria would have never been able to afford these surgeries and Rita would have continued suffering.

Case 3

Mrs. Gabriela lives in Cernica and cares for 3 cats and 3 dogs rescued from the streets: Richie, Bobita and Cucut. Due to increasing prices she can barely cover her monthly necessities and buy food for them. ROLDA bought food for the 3 dogs.

Case 4

Bella is one of Mrs. Lidia’s pets (she has 4 dogs and 5 cats). In July we helped her to buy Bella’s treatment for heart worms again.

Case 5

Also Mrs. Anisoara and her pets, Richie and Lola have been helped by our team on more than one occasion. Richie has urinary incontinence and needs daily diapers and pads. We covered the cost of diapers, and bought flea and tick prevention treatment for them. We also bought food for them.
We are glad we could help keep these pets and their owners safe and happy!

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

vet emergency

prevention care

food and daily care

Total amount spent:
3.115 lei (aprox. 625 euro)

June - 2023

Case 1

We met Mrs. Reian from Tulcea through our local partner association, The Great Catsby. She recently found 2 tomcats in her yard and they quickly became part of the family. She really needed help to have them sterilized, so we did.

Case 2

Paraschiva has loved animals since she was little. She has 9 cats in her care: Lili, Tigrut, Mica, Printi, Flori, Zurli, Minus, Fulgi and Mami, and they really brighten her days and make her laugh. ROLDA covered the deworming costs for 2 of the cats. We are also going to help her sterilize 2 tomcats in the next few weeks.

Case 3

Lidia has 4 dogs and 5 cats. Her husband died last year and on her small monthly income she could no longer afford to pay for her medication (she suffers from diabetes and a special form of depression) or her pets medicines. Her dog Bella has heart worms and will need regular monthly treatments; her other dog has mange and needed to be treated for that too; and these are only a few of the problems they face. Lidia was very happy that, thanks to ROLDA, all the dogs received internal and external parasite treatment, Bella received her heart treatment, and we also bought dry food for all her dogs and cats.

Case 4

Our last case is that of a woman with serious health problems; she took in a dog found at a metro station in Bucharest and she vaccinated, microchipped and treated him for internal & external parasites. Unfortunately, the neighbor’s cat scratched his eye and he required urgent emergency surgery. After many tests were done and treatment was given, he got the surgery, but his eye couldn’t be saved anymore. It was removed and replaced with a glass one.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

vet emergency


prevention care

Total amount spent:
2.725 lei (aprox. 550 euro)

May - 2023

Case 1

A while ago we helped Bibita’s owner, Corina, from Timisoara, cover the costs of deworming, vaccinating, flea prevention and microchipping her. Their income is very low and Corina can barely cover the monthly costs for Babita. So again, we helped them, buying dry food and flea & tick prevention treatment for Bibita.

Case 2

Antoaneta lives in Caracal and has always loved animals. She has 3 dogs that she saved from the streets of Caracal: senior Linda, Rocky the German Shephard and Mingiuta. She also has 7 cats. Her income is very, very low and it’s really hard to buy food, flea prevention treatment, and vaccinate all 10 pets in her care. Despite this, she loves them to the moon and back and will do everything in her power for them. With ROLDA’s support, this month she vaccinated and microchipped all her pets and we are very glad we could help!

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

prevention care

Total amount spent:
1.400 lei (aprox. 280 euro)

April - 2023

Case 1

Anisoara is a widow with a very small pension and 3 pekinese in her care. She can barely cover the costs for the utilities and the food for herself and the dogs. One of the 3 dogs is very old and suffers from glaucoma and urinary incontinence and in March ROLDA helped Anisoara buy diapers. Sadly, her condition started to deteriorate, she was waking in the night a lot and crying and she also started to go round in circles. We helped her investigate further and the vets discovered a brain tumor. It couldn’t be operated on at such an advanced age, and since her pain was so bad, Anisoara had to make the very hard choice to put her beloved pet to sleep.

Case 2

Rodica was living in Bucurest, but decided to move for her son, four dogs and her tomcat. They went to Brasov, giving them all the opportunity to breath fresh air and live close to the mountains. One of her dogs, Daisy, needed to be neutered, which had been delayed due to some health issues, so ROLDA paid for the blood tests and the sterilization.

Case 3

Valeria from Bucharest – After her dog Rita was diagnosed with coxofemoral subluxation and a patellar bilateral luxation degree IV on her back legs, ROLDA helped to pay for the surgery, which took place in February. After the surgery, during routine checks, the doctors discovered a second surgery is required to give an almost normal shape to the leg so Rita can use it better. We covered the costs for the surgery and also for annual vaccinations and health documents.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

food and daily care

vet emergency


Total amount spent:
2.450 lei (aprox. 490 euro)

March - 2023

Case 1

Anisoara is a widow with a very small pension and 3 pekinese in her care. She can barely cover the costs for the utilities and the food for herself and the dogs. One of the 3 dogs is very old and suffers from glaucoma and urinary incontinence, but diapers are a luxury for Anisoara. ROLDA helped Anisoara to buy diapers for the senior dog.

Case 2

When the first surgery to fix Hera’s leg failed, Iulia was devastated. Hera couldn’t use the leg at all and the pain was excruciating. Iulia lives in Bucharest where there are plenty of vet clinics she could go to for a second opinion, but with such a small pension she couldn’t afford to pay for surgery, so Hera faced a painful life. ROLDA paid for the surgery and Hera’s leg has been fixed, she is now recovering nicely.

Case 3

Tulcea is one of the poorest counties of Romania. Ms. Lautaru and her sick daughter live hand-to-mouth but enjoy rescuing cats and sharing what little they have with them. They have asked for help repeatedly to sterilize 5 female cats and 3 tomcats to prevent them from having unwanted kittens. ROLDA decided not only to spay/neuter them, but also to treat them where needed, so this big hearted family can continue to love their furry friends.

Case 4

Ms. Iordan lives with her husband and their 11 cats in Tulcea. They have an income of only 300 E per month. 9 of the cats were sterilized through a local charity, and then they asked for ROLDA’s help to urgently sterilize the other 2. We were happy to help Ms. Iordan, as well as any other seniors, so they can continue enjoying the company of their beloved companions.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

food and daily care

vet emergency


Total amount spent:
3.154 lei (aprox. 630 euro)

February - 2023

Case 1

Corina from Timisoara rescued a sweet puppy Bibita from a school yard, where he was abandoned. We covered the costs of deworming, vaccinating, flea protection and microchipping the lucky pup.

Case 2

Valeria from Bucharest – ROLDA helped to pay for the surgery of the right back leg of her dog Rita, who was diagnosed with coxofemoral subluxation and a patellar bilateral luxation degree IV, on her back legs. In 6 weeks Rita will also need to the left leg operated on.

Case 3

Ilinca from Bucharest – 7 dogs and 5 cats have been rescued and cared for by her. They were all dewormed and received flea protection due to ROLDA. We will also help her to microchip 5 of the dogs as soon as the vet can go to her home.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

prevention care

vet emergency

Total amount spent:
2.789 lei (aprox. 560 euro)

January - 2023

Case 1

Cornelia from Constanta – we helped her cover the vet costs for her dog Daisy, who has a chronic skin disorder. Cornelia has 3 more dogs in her care.

Case 2

Margareta from Barlad – we covered the sterilization costs for the 3 cats she adopted at the end of last year.

Case 3

Tanta from Bucharest – we stepped in as she couldn’t afford to pay the vet treatment for her senior German Shepherd, Blacky, who can barely walk, much less run.

We are glad we could help in keeping the pets and their owners safe and happy!

vet emergency


Total amount spent:
1.695 lei (aprox. 340 euro)
Wall of fame
  • Elisabeth $20
  • simon $1000
  • Elizabeth $50
  • Morgann $30
  • Tanya $30
  • Jaroslava $20
Check these other ones
Ongoing costs
The Health of hundreds of animals is in Your Hands!
Vaccines needed for our dogs
5 Donors
$1069.04 Raised
$3.500 Goal

In a shelter with hundreds of dogs, highly contagious diseases – such as distemper – could be devastating. This is why ROLDA imposes a strict quarantine period for all new rescued dogs, during which they receive broad-spectrum vaccines before they are let socialize with current residents of our shelter. However, vaccinations must be ‘topped-up’ annually with booster shots.

Ongoing costs
Protection against deadly heartworm (Dirofilaria)
Dogs vs Dirofilaria
1 Donors
$21327 Raised
$34.300 Goal

A much deadlier condition we must protect our dogs from is the lethal heartworm, a parasite found in mosquitoes which can be passed on to dogs from bites. Heartworms – as the name suggests – find a home in the cardiovascular systems of dogs and eventually cause fatal heart disease. What makes heartworms such deadly killers is the early stages of infection are very subtle and difficult to spot.

Ongoing costs
Protection against common parasites
Protection against common parasites
2 Donors
$21368 Raised
$47.700 Goal

Parasites – such as fleas and ticks – may be tiny but the risk they pose to our dogs’ health can be huge. Ticks – a danger to humans and dog alike – carry Lyme disease, can cause severe anaemia, even seizures in case of weak puppies. Fleas – whilst more of a nuisance – can cause severe infections, especially from repeated scratching and breaking of the skin. Prevention is better than cure in all cases. ‘Spot-On’ treatments are effective in the case of fleas and ticks.

Ongoing costs
Free doghouses for dogs kept outside
Build a doghouse
2 Donors
$145 Raised
$33.000 Goal

Romanian culture of dog ownership may seem harsh compared to Western Europe where dogs are often lucky enough to sleep in their master’s bed! In the countryside, usually, dogs ‘live’ outside, in gardens, and are rarely allowed indoors. This is often because many Romanians fear thieves or wild animals entering their property and dogs act as a deterrent. By supporting ROLDA’s doghouse project today, you are giving dogs in Romania the instant relief they seek and the refuge they need to survive.

Capital cost
Build PawzUp Center
PawzUp Center
3 Donors
$265100 Raised
$5.250.000 Goal

Perhaps ROLDA’s most ambitious project (for now!) is the construction of the PawzUp centre. ROLDA envisions clean, modern and attractive buildings that will function both as adoption centre for rescued animals but also as a community hub. PawzUp will be a place where the public can adopt as well as socialise, learn important information regarding the care of their pets and one day offer free veterinary care to the community.