Why to invest in PawzUp Project?
ROLDA operates in one of the poorest regions of Romania, where a family of 4 (or more) members survive with approx. 150 EUR a month. Around 200,000 street dogs, working animals (donkeys, horses) and poor pets (cats, dogs) are exposed to starvation, risk of abandon, diseases, death.

ROLDA operates in one of the poorest regions of Romania, where a family of 4 (or more) members survives with approx. 150 EUR a month. Around 200,000 street dogs, working animals (donkeys, horses), and poor pets (cats, dogs) are exposed to starvation, risk of abandonment, diseases, and death.
The local small clinic can’t cope with a huge demand for small animals wounded, and sick and large animals are basically sacrificed because there is no veterinary clinic equipped for them. For x-ray, RMN, or other complicated investigations, (or often for a correct diagnostic) a pet must be transported to Bucharest (250km, 4 hours driving) but often the animal dies because can’t be stabilized for transport.
The lack of infrastructure for the south, north, and east side of Romania and the shortage of qualified personnel only makes the situation worse for both animals and people that care for them.
Who are the beneficiaries of the PawzUp Project?
PawzUp is a unique project addressed to:
● Second metropolitan zone (after Bucharest) Galati-Braila
● Central Moldavia (one of the poorest regions of Romania)
● A surface of 27.158 km2 (half size of Switzerland country) to be covered where approx. 200.000 animals need us
● 2.000 animals estimated to be helped every year
PawzUp Project covers an area of 4.5 hectares of land (ROLDA’s property), located outside the city of Galati. Imagine an area of 27158 km2 (half the area of Switzerland country). This huge area totally lacks a veterinary clinic, combined with modern sheltering facilities for animals from where the local community can safely adopt, without being worried about the risk of infection or diseases.
PawzUp Services
Services for dogs: Catching, Shelter, Rehabilitation, Medical care, Services for senior dogs, Rehoming
● For cats: Shelter, Medical care, Services for senior cats, Rehoming
● For donkeys and horses: Medical care, Shelter, Services for senior working animals
● For senior people: Therapy with animals
● For the local community: Tours, Education, Seminars about animal’s health, Adoptions
● For young visitors: Education
Help Us Make Another Dream come True!
Together, we can make a dream come true for thousands of animals in need, for thousands of people who love their pets, but don’t have the logistics or the financial possibilities to care for them responsibly and efficiently.
PawzUp Project costs from A to Z
● PawzUp Adoption Center completed 5% of land purchased 300000 EUR
● Horse Sanctuary completed 0% – 80000 EUR
● Donkey Sanctuary completed 0% fundraised 30% – 30000 EUR
● Cattery completed 0% – 35000 EUR
● Rex Clinic completed 70%, still needed Vet Equipment 115000 EUR still needed 55000 EUR
● Dogs Shelter completed 80% still needed Repairs/Improvements/Heating still needed 70000 EUR
1. First phase: Exterior
● Land purchased – 100% completed
● Permits, authorization, architect plan
● Fencing – partially completed
● Prepare the land for building, lay the foundation
● Basic structure: the building walls
● Roof, windows, doors
● Heating, ventilation, and safety systems
Total 250000 EUR
2. Second phase: Interior
● Outfit the dog’s and cats’ facilities
● Equip the technical rooms
● Purchase furniture
● Other interior accessories and fixtures
Total 50000