Floods Disaster
Swiss supporters fundraised for first aid supplies, food for people and animals affected by floods. Lolita and Michele joined our team to deliver the much need items to families in the most affected villages in Galati county.

Swiss supporters fundraised for first aid supplies, and food for people and animals affected by floods. Lolita and Michele joined our team to deliver the much need items to families in the most affected villages in Galati county.
Severe floods caused huge damages
On 11 October, it rained a lot in Galati county, in some areas even 200l/meter!!! The locals from 4 villages were witnesses of a nightmare: Waters invaded their garden, the basement of their houses, and the house itself. The floor, refrigerator, washing machine, clothing, and provisions for winter for people and farm animals were gone in an instant. Some farm animals were taken by water. Nobody could save them.
The village of Smardan, where ROLDA’s small shelter is located, was less affected. Click here to view a video to see the road to the shelter full of water, still inaccessible for walking. The rain caused minimal damage to ROLDA shelters: the access road needs repairs and the clinic roof also. Compared with the drama that other people suffer these days, we were lucky.
For over 1000 families the situation is critical!
700 houses from the “red code” area are completely or partially destroyed. For these people, the coming winter is terribly sad and full of worries. They lost everything or at least their warm clothing, blankets, electronics, and provisions. 1000 families are living, as you read these lines, in improvised spaces (e.g. school ‘sports room, church) or with relatives.
In the coming months, as the weather gets colder, these people will need constant support. Funds collected will be used to provide emergency food aid for the pets (and if possible, supplies for humans) from the most affected areas of the Galati region.