Don’t turn your back
Animal Rescue Mission IN DANGER! Don’t Turn Your Back! Small charities like ROLDA are always facing difficult fundraising challenges that can be devastating to their mission. Constant uncertainty about funding affects progress and results, and the ones who suffer are those we are trying to help.
Animal Rescue Mission IN DANGER! Don’t Turn Your Back!
Small charities like ROLDA are always facing difficult fundraising challenges that can be devastating to their mission. Constant uncertainty about funding affects progress and results, and the ones who suffer are those we are trying to help.
ROLDA is a small animal charity that has 2 shelters with a capacity for 700 dogs. We are located in an industrial town in Galati, the poorest region in Romania with a population of 20,000 homeless dogs.
Why is our animal rescue mission in danger?
Because we cannot raise sufficient funds locally due to poverty. We have to rely on funds from foreigners to be able to continue helping animals in Romania. This brings us to another challenge:
Why would people want to help animals in Romania?
Romania has one of the largest populations of homeless dogs in all of Europe at 2.5 million. They have become a burden to society and most are killed by the locals. The government has also approved the killing of stray dogs. Nobody wants to help them… just kill them!!! Wait! I want to help!!!
To be fair, there are Romanian citizens that are against these mass killings and mistreatment of strays and other helpless animals. Some even try protests or activism, but they’re not impactful because of a lack of support and lack of funding.
Do you want to help or let them be killed?
You can adopt, sponsor, donate, send a gift, volunteer, or help spread the word about ROLDA and our animal rescue mission in Romania. Our mission is in danger, but you can help us! Without your support, we may have to reduce the number of animals we help this year.
Why help ROLDA?
Meet Lori, one of the latest dogs we helped live with no pain. Thanks to you, we give back life to Lori (and countless more dogs)
Lori gain confidence and made new friends! Read Lori’s gratitude letter!
Help ROLDA today!
If you live in Sweden, please use these bank number 573-0502 to make your donation today! (Association ROLDA Sverige registration no. 802490-7050)