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Blonda story

Babies Born Ready to Die: In one of the poorest Romanian houses near Galati, lives a canine Cinderella. But we call her Blonda. Her brief two years on this planet have been spent with a short chain around her neck. She was kept alive to “defend” her family and their property. Blonda has been through more in two years than any dog deserves to endure in an entire lifetime.

Blonda story

Babies Born Ready to Die: In one of the poorest Romanian houses near Galati, lives a canine Cinderella. But we call her Blonda. Her brief two years on this planet have been spent with a short chain around her neck. She was kept alive to “defend” her family and their property. Blonda has been through more in two years than any dog deserves to endure in an entire lifetime.

A meal to this gentle girl meant a few leftovers and scraps from her family’s table. She has already been a mother three times. She saw her first babies drown. Her second litter all died of distemper, save one. Recently three more tiny souls made their way into the world.

In many countries, this would be a thing of joy, a time to celebrate. Not here. Not in a country where 2.5 million strays, abandoned and abused dogs already struggle to survive on the ruthless streets of Romania.
There is no food to feed the new litter, and no vaccinations to keep them healthy.

But they are a few of the lucky ones who ended up in the care of ROLDA. So many other unwanted mothers and their starving babies suffer short, violent lives that end in a ditch, or under the wheels of a car. BLONDA’s owners brought her and her puppies to us.

Not one but two generations of puppies!

Now the small family shares a kennel together, safe because of your support. We need to get them sterilized, microchipped, vaccinated, and ready for adoption. After such a rough start in life, won’t you help us give them a second chance? We deal with emergency situations every day.

Without the generosity of our supporters, Blonda and her babies would face certain death. ROLDA is part of widespread sterilization programs to end this cruel cycle of unnecessary suffering, and slow, painful deaths.

Be a part of the solution

Help us start more sterilization campaigns, and bring an end to the cycle of suffering. Don’t let beautiful Blonda and her young family be forgotten…

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