The 5 “Trash” Puppies Update
Do you remember the puppies saved two months ago from trash? Thanks to all the great people that donated for their rescue, we can now report you the update. We named them: Andy, Charlie, Junior and Chasmine.

Do you remember the puppies saved two months ago from trash? Thanks to all the great people that donated for their rescue, we can now report you the update. We named them: Andy, Charlie, Junior and Chasmine.
Andy and Chasmine after surgery.
All these names were selected by our supporters. The 5th pup didn’t survive long after being rescued. All of them suffered skin irritation, as we noticed immediately but thanks to Mette from Norway’s special food, their recovery was faster.
Two puppies (Andy and Chasmine) needed each to have one eye removed. Being young and very smart, they adapted easily to the new condition.
Junior and Charlie charmed two ladies from Germany who decided to adopt them if they pass safely the quarantine period, which they did. For the one-eye pair of puppies, we still search for the best adopters. Both will grow the medium size, are playful and sociable, clean and make efforts to learn to walk on a leash. If you wish to adopt one or both (as they get along excellently together)please contact us at
The 4 puppies are still with us for another few weeks and they would be extremely grateful (and so we would be!) for a gift of special food to give them strength and help them grow healthy.
Will you fill the bowl for one of the 4 remained pups?
Please make your gift today!
photo: Stephan with Charlie and Junior, both reserved for German families
A few days ago, Charlie and Junior welcomed a special guest, Stephan from Belgium who is an experienced activist for animals, mostly experienced with wildlife in Australia but also an active volunteer in Belgium, where he currently lives. He visited ROLDA for a few days and meet each and every dog, also joined our team during a rescue mission and fed the packs of strays from the surrounding – Stephan was fascinated by the behavior of strays in the “wild” but also shocked by the number of homeless dogs from Romania and the dangers to which they are exposed.
Do not turn your back on these puppies who have a long journey to reach their forever homes. While in our care, they have nobody else but you and us to rely on. Thank you for your support!
Click here to read Stephan’s testimonial.
Update: 1 Nov, 2016
Andy and Chasmine after surgery