Sanctuary for aging & disabled felines

New #ROLDAcats projects for Romanian cats in need.
ROLDA believes aging animals deserve to enjoy their twilight years in a peaceful setting. For more than a decade, our supporters have enabled us to provide healthy habitats and optimal healthcare to hundreds of aging and disabled dogs in our sanctuary, helping them age gracefully under qualified supervision.
Aging and disabled cats are about to finally have a place to call HOME
ROLDA is happy to announce that we are finishing building the cat sanctuary and we can’t be any prouder of it! And very grateful to you all.
With no sanctuary for aging or disabled cats in eastern Romania, a region the equivalent to the entire country of Switzerland, their future was dark and uncertain. Thanks to our supporter’s generosity, ROLDA can finally offer adequate care for these sensitive feline needs.
Considering that the sanctuary has a limited capacity (max 30 cats) and also considering the vulnerability of its residents, we set a few rules to welcome a new cat:
● Each new cat will stay in quarantine for 14 days
● Cat needs to have a negative result for Fcov/FVP/Giardia and Felv before joining the other cats
● Cat must be spayed/neutered
● For cats directly transferred from owners, proof of vaccination is also mandatory.
These rules are enforced to protect the resident cats and their fragile environment.
At the same time, ROLDA continues to assist pet owners whose cats need medical attention. Read more about ROLDA work for cats here.
The phases of the project
- Phase I - Excavation, Foundation, Framing, Roofing, Doors, Windows - Completed
- Phase II - Internal Fixtures and Fittings, Ventilation System, Insulation, Plumbing, Wiring - Completed
- Phase III - Exterior Fencing, Playground Area, Sandbox - Completed
- Phase IV - Interior condos, climbing, accesories
The budget
Constructor: DA & DN Modern Construct | Payment status |
Phase I + II | AMOUNT paid |
Phase III | AMOUNT paid |
Phase IV | 10000 to be raised |
(Note: We are currently in Phase IV of the project (50000 RON equivalent of 10000 USD to be raised), where we welcome you to contribute to enrich our cats living conditions. Considering that some of our residents will permanently remain in our care, they don’t just need a clean sandbox, quality food, and medicines, but also toys and accessories that will keep them busy and happy.)
Sponsor opportunities
Make a gift to enrich the life of a rescued cat
(photos below are for reference only)
- Solid cat treadmill roller: 200$
- Tree tower: 120$
- Cat scratcher (various shapes: carrot, mushroom, wheel etc): 60$
- Wall-mounted furniture: 50$
- Sisal rope bridge 1m: 40$
- Tunnel with toys: 30$
Take the unique opportunity to leave your mark on this project created to last for generations to come!
Sponsor a space for cats and name it exactly as you wish: in memory or to honor someone, a human or animal friend.
- Name playground area (1 available): 3000$
- Name a cat unit (6 available): 1000$
Don’t forget the last thing: help us promote ROLDA’s new cat project on social media by including the hashtag #ROLDAcats
It’s free and we will spread the word fast!
Transparency is important for ROLDA, as well as showing gratitude to our dedicated supporters.
Individual donations are listed in the right column. When you make a donation directly on this page, your name and the amount will appear automatically. If you send a check or wire a donation marked “for cat sanctuary”, we will add your donation manually. In case you don’t see your name and amount donated listed, please send us an email at
Wall of fame
- birgitte $545
- Katie $30
- Joseph $100
- Devon $10
- Jessica $29
- Eric $5
- Heidi $50
- Martha $50
- David $20
- Malin $220
- Vicente $10
- Caroline $211
- john $30
- Abby $100
- Joe $30
- Sahal $30
- Julia $20
- jasmine $50
- Holly $10
- Maria $50
- James $15
- tristan $109
- Jasmine $90
- Patrycja $10
- Lauren $20
- Iuliana $20
- Bradley $100
- Karrie $20
- Michelle $20
- KATHY $500
- Kim $250
- Bridget $21
- Brittany $25
- Brandon $40
- Matthew GBP10
- Barbara $ 50
- Paul EUR 50
- David $ 10
- Axel SEK 283
- Kang $ 20
- Ana Pasolea EUR 20
- Mirja EUR 50
- Fariba $ 53
- Elizabeth GBP 20
- P GBP 15
- Catrina Genovese GBP 21
- Darcy $ 60
- Raf GBP 5
- Catherine GBP 8
- Michael $ 32
- Polly GBP 24
- David $ 21
- Theresa $ 75
- Ellen Wu $ 53
- Ian GBP 17
- Kimberly $ 25
- Tess SEK 472
- Val GBP 62
- Hildegunn NOK 259
- Justyna EUR 20
- Switzerland Grant $ 23781
- US Grant $ 20000
- Alexandra EUR 200
- Roger $ 100
- John $ 44
- Elena $ 20
- Anca $ 87
- Madalina $ 500
- Beth $ 35