Contact: | +1 (410) 353-5505 | whatsapp non-US support +44 (0)161 531 8801
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Registered as a 501-c-3
non-profit organization

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#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

About us

On the 4th of July 2024, ROLDA USA celebrates 18 years anniversary. Contributions to ROLDA are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the law. The ROLDA’s Tax Identification Number (EIN) is 32-0176929.

Full legal name

Romanian League in
Defense of Animals, Inc

Other names


Incorporation year


Contact Person

Mary Duffy
Donor Relations Manager


Mary Duffy

Phone number

Mary Duffy:

General inquiries


General inquiries


Mailing address

PO Box 4674; Crofton MD 21114

non-US support

+44 (0)161 531 8801

Meet ROLDA USA great team


Shannon CFO

Corrine Relationship and Social Media Manager

Kristina Finance and Donor Associate

Mary Frances Donor Relations Manager

Danny Digital Content Assistant

Stacey US Director of Operations

Principal activities in the US

Enable rescued dogs and cats to receive medical assistance and sheltering into our private facilities until being adopted

Support fundraising efforts in the US to benefit street animals in Romania and Ukraine as well as to campaign against illegal public shelter, against animal cruelty and abuses

Rehoming a small number of dogs in the US under special circumstances to private adopters or through our partners, dogs are shipped by air cargo

Fund a database of US supporters to more effectively raise help for Romanian animals

ROLDA and Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue (YGRR)

ROLDA and Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue (YGRR) became partners to give a chance to rescued labradors (and mixed-labradors) to be rehomed in the US.

A protocol was signed and parties agreed that ROLDA will deliver healthy dogs, respecting the long list of MDAR/USDA requirements and once arrived in the US, YGRR will not put to sleep ROLDA dogs and make efforts to find each dog the perfect home.

YGRR are 30 years old, has a rich, succesful experience with over 500 dogs from their international rescue program placed safely. The first ROLDA dogs arriving in the US are Barkley, Candor, Herbie, Jet, John.

Dogs adopted via YGRR






What we do for US supporters

Provide supportive literature about various animal topics (Simple rules to keep your pet safe from the hot pavement; Mini guide about responsible dog ownership; How to create a disaster plan for your dog; Tips to travel with your pet; Pet Fire Safety; etc) which can be found here.

Offer free materials to download from ROLDA Online Shop (e.g. window sticker (pet window decal) useful for the rescue team to know how many pets you have inside, in case of disaster).

Opportunity to adopt a healthy, beautiful, sociable dog rescued from streets or saved from a local public shelter. See conditions here & Read also testimonials from other adopters.

Opportunity to be part of our team as a volunteer (in case you’d like to put your best skills at use for animals in need and for a charity that use resources to save them) or as an ambassador (to share news about ROLDA on social media or to wear items that we send you for free).

Possibility to sponsor at distance a dog rescued from streets or a poor community pet who struggles to live decently.

Some of #ROLDAdogs adopted in the US

Cathy adopted by Cathy Kangas

Dream adopted by Stacey in SC

Jack one of the first dogs adopted in the US

Kongo adopted by Cathy Kangas

Little Dracula adopted by Paul in FL

Melony adopted by Cathy Kangas

Tom adopted by Ryan in WA

Important numbers

Income generated through ROLDA USA between 01 July 2023 - 30 June 2024
Income Expenses Net assets
Income 7,118,221 Expenses 6,890,988 Net assets 481,103

ROLDA USA was created as supporting organization to raise funding for the ROLDA shelters in Romania and, later, to support the rescue efforts in Ukraine. To achieve this, ROLDA USA has invested in fundraising efforts and marketing to spread the word, generate stakeholder interest, and increase funding for our shelters in Romania and the microgrants for Ukrainian rescues.
Over the last years, the fundraising fees increased due to the dropped of international interest about Ukraine situation.
The US branch covers the online fundraising for all ROLDA branches.
Notably, ROLDA USA remains the branch with highest contribution to Romanian projects and campaigns.

Turn your car into the programs you care about

Vehicles for charity

Donate your car TODAY for animals in need!


Donate your car TODAY for animals in need!

Transparency test

See ROLDA’s latest Annual Report

Financial report

See ROLDA’s full Financial Report

F990 full report

ROLDA USA (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

You can support ROLDA for free while shopping

Every time you use the links listed below, a percentage will go to help animals in Romania!

How US supporters can make a gift to ROLDA?

Send a check

Please make the check payable to ROLDA USA and send it to this postal address in the USA
PO Box 4674
Crofton MD 21114

Legacy for animals

Your love for animals can last forever when you make a gift to ROLDA in your will

Donate by PayPal

Login into your PayPal account and make a donation here

Donate by Venmo

Using your Venmo account, you can make a donation to @ROLDA

For corporate employee giving program

Donate for ROLDA on Benevity

Donate for ROLDA on Bright Funds

You can find us on


Supported by

Beatrice Welles

Cathy Kangas

Lori & SPCAI

Nina & Lady Free Thinking


“In a village on the outskirts of Galati, beyond the steel mill, beyond the end of the paved roads, Dana Costin had constructed the first Romanian League in Defense of Animals dog shelter as a monument to optimism. At a time when almost every other “animal shelter” in Romania was a grim canine concentration camp, where depressed dogs deprived of the opportunity to live by their wits starved, fought, and sometimes even lost hope, the ROLDA shelter was a safe, happy place.”

Merritt from USA
April 2017

Matching Gifts

Employees Giving Programs

Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift! Please use the Benevity platform & challenge your employer to show compassion for the animal cause you care about!

PO Box 4674
Crofton MD 21114

Some of the visitors from the US who went to visit ROLDA


Lauree and BDRR team


Listen Randall’s podcast after his visit in Romania

Some of the dogs adopted through BDRR









What is a Donor Advised Fund?

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor-advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to the Romanian League in Defense of Animals (ROLDA USA), directly from your DAF (as long as your DAF’s sponsoring organization is participating).

How does it work?

1. Establish your DAF by making an irrevocable, tax-deductible donation to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program.
2. Advise the investment allocation of the donated assets (any investment growth is tax-free).
3. Recommend grants to the charities you support, with the option of being recognized or remaining anonymous.