Yelp you can’t ignore. Double donation (fall period)
It is the very early morning of the first sterilization day in Smardan, the veterinary clinic and its garden are full of people and their pets waiting – when Paula, our volunteer, rushed in yelping. That day, the ROLDA family grew with 2 more members: Two dirty fur balls; two pairs of innocent eyes that couldn’t open completely because of the abundance of ticks, trying to observe curiously or with precaution all our moves.

It is the very early morning of the first sterilization day in Smardan, the veterinary clinic and its garden are full of people and their pets waiting – when Paula, our volunteer, rushed in yelping. That day, the ROLDA family grew with 2 more members: Two dirty fur balls; two pairs of innocent eyes that couldn’t open completely because of the abundance of ticks, trying to observe curiously or with precaution all our moves.
This fall, your donation doubles while your compassion remains priceless!
Today, we will tell you a story that is not unique, unfortunately. It is repeated on and on, sometimes daily. Like all our rescue stories, it starts with “yelp” – the “yelp” of Paula, the volunteer; the “yelp” of two tiny pups, abandoned to die near the cemetery fence, dehydrated in a torrid sun. Two dirty fur balls scared and shacking; two pairs of innocent eyes that couldn’t open completely because of the abundance of ticks; noses dry, bellies full of worm parasites.
How can you ignore these yelps? Ironically, the day Paula found these two pups was another day when ROLDA offered free sterilizations in the rural areas, precisely to avoid new puppies being born to suffer. It is a fact that without the prevention treatment, 1 puppy out of 2 dies because of parvo, distemper, or other conditions while only 4 out of 6 puppies survive the whole quarantine period. That’s how hard life is to be born as a little, helpless pup in Romania.
We would love to have you near our team, on a rescue mission in Galati industrial area or in the villages surrounding this city. For the ROLDA rescue team, the sight of puppies abandoned at our shelter gate, in plastic bags, thrown from the car by people is a common sight.
Never think you saw everything, you will be disappointed – puppies are often killed, drawn, suffocated, and separated from their mom. Puppies separated from their moms, wearing the umbilical cord, with eyes still closed but sniffing for their mother’s smell while she is already far away if not dead.
Imagine you would be with our team that day, seeing the 2 puppies arriving at the clinic. Rescuing from Romanian streets, you know that from every two puppies saved, one might die. Whom you have chosen to help to live? I am sure you say both.
The real chance these homeless animals have is the compassion of people from outside Romania because the local community is too overwhelmed by social and economical problems to put animals first. Thanks to a private supporter who chose to remain anonymous, for the next 2 months, all donations collected for these 2 pups will be doubled. Like you, we couldn’t choose, like you – we are determined to save them both and give hope to as many more as possible.
Puppy food, parasite control medicines, prevention treatments, and vaccine costs. For the next 2 months, every donated EURO will go to help these 2 pups and hundreds more dogs we already have in our care, daily but it will be doubled by an extra EURO which will enable us to save more dogs in life-threatening conditions from Romanian streets.
Since 2006, ROLDA helped over 18000 dogs but it’s you who actually saved them because you never said no and continued to support our rescue mission in Romania.
18000 times and never hearing a NO; that says a lot about us but even more about you.
Thanks to our private supporters, every euro you donate doubles its impact and gives us double the strength and double the resources to continue our work in Romania, which is not easy but is very rewarding. We can’t have you with us in Galati for the next rescue mission, so today we ask you to please, look at the 2 puppies saved by Paula and enjoy the comfort of knowing that your help saves lives where no one else does.
Don’t forget that only for the next 2 months your donation will be doubled. We are hoping to collect 10000 E to split between shelter costs and new rescue activities. Choose your gift and stay with us, with a big smile on your face, knowing that together we give hope and make miracles possible in Romania.