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Dear [name],

Thank you for helping us get closer to another completed milestone!

Being a ROLDA supporter, you know that we never ask for luxurious items, and often we put our ingenuity to work to offer the best comfort to the hundreds of dogs living in our shelter using a minimal budget.

Having a heating system installed in our small shelter will provide warmth and comfort to our dogs during winter. Even though each kennel has a bed, most rescued strays are so used to sleeping on hard, uncomfortable surfaces—such as our concrete floors—that they prefer this option to the comfort of the beds we offer; therefore, a heating system is necessary. Wherever our dogs choose to sleep, heating during the extreme Siberian winters is always vital to their health.

We never spend your donations on unnecessary, fancy things. We want the best for our dogs, and we are grateful that your support helps us keep our dogs happier and healthier.

Thank you so much!
ROLDA Rescue Team