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ROLDA has joined Teaming

to help animals in need in Romania and Ukraine

ROLDA has joined Teaming

Help ROLDA reach 200 Teaming members!

Help ROLDA reach 200 Teaming members!

Help ROLDA reach 200 Teaming members!

Why did ROLDA join Teaming?

Thousands of starving dogs and cats without a home live in misery and neglect in Galati, Romania. We need all the help we can get to feed as many homeless animals as possible. Every 1 EUR matters. We are aware we can’t collect 240,000 EUR each month to feed them all. ROLDA would need 240,000 Teamers to achieve this goal. Even we understand this is a too ambitious goal for a modest charity like ROLDA, and trust me, we don’t give up easily.

Thousands of homeless and injured animals are affected by the war in Ukraine. ROLDA refuses to remain indifferent to these animals tragedy.
“My experience tells that in the past, things that looked impossible, ROLDA could transform into reality because people like you care. ROLDA knows that every Teamer is capable to make a difference. Every 1 is more than a 0. This is what math says. Every 1 is getting us closer to our goal: to see less or no animal starving to death. This is what ROLDA dreams. And we know that dreams become reality when people with big hearts get involved.” (Dana Costin, Founder ROLDA)

How do I become a TEAMER for ROLDA?

1. Visit and select ROLDA.

2. Click on the button “Join the Group.” Sign up and choose your payment method to donate your 1 EUR.

3. Teaming will debit your 1 EUR each month and give it to ROLDA.

Visit and become a TEAMER for ROLDA today!

Why we need your support

For the animals:

Rescue dogs abused like Bela

Provide sheltering and special care
to 350 senior dogs

Help the pets that belong to owners
with low income from rural area

To help more and better:

For cats, too: Sanctuary for disabled, senior cats

For extra comfort: Ventilation and heating to ROLDA sanctuary

For the seniors: Therapy with #roldadogs in the largest retirement home

ROLDA commitments:

Help the abused, neglected, homeless

Offer immediate medical assistance to injured animals found on the streets

Rescue – Provide good sheltering conditions – Rehome in perfect forever homes every dog

ROLDA promise:

Provide full transparency about how supporters’ donations are being used by publishing online or sending by email on request the annual report, financial statements, the list of expenses made for Romanian projects

Fight against animal abusers and against the illegal public shelters in Romania

Help the poor community who struggle to look after their pets and farm animals responsibly

ROLDA values:

Honesty in every day work, relation with donors and collaborators

Endurance is one of our best weapons against all the rescuing difficulties

Responsible commitment for animals