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Discover more about ROLDA Romania

ROLDA is officially registered as a Romanian charitable organization #18416340, file #1/08.02.2006 at the Galati Court of Justice.

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#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

ROLDA has a clear mission: to help the neglected, abused, homeless animals and also the community that struggles to look after their pets responsibly.

ROLDA is a nonprofit, non-political and non-religious foundation. Visit our official website in Romanian language to learn more about ROLDA work.

Words from the Founder

Dear Supporters,


Firstly, thank you for visiting the ROLDA website. Your interest and support is what enables us to save lives every day. Below is a brief overview of the journey I have been on and which has led to ROLDA.

The road has been long and difficult. Yet whenever I am near the kennels and can see the difference we have made to the lives of hundreds of dogs, I realize it was all worth it. And that there is still plenty of work to do! I hope you enjoy reading it.

My best wishes to you,

Dana Costin, Founder and CEO

The Latest Financial Report

ROLDA Financial Report counts the income and expenses made during a fiscal year that starts on 1st January and ends on 31th December.

The Report is sent to Romanian authorities where it receives a registration number and it’s published on Ministry of Finances for public access, no later then June month. The Financial Report is done by an independent local bookkeeping company and soon after it is finished, it is followed by an auditor report.

The income section of the Financial Report contains the donations and sponsorships received in Romania, the grants made by foreign foundations and partners, as well as the bank transfers (or PayPal transfers) made by ROLDA foreign branches to the Romanian bank account.

The income section of the Financial Report contains the donations and sponsorships received in Romania, the grants made by foreign foundations and partners, as well as the bank transfers (or PayPal transfers) made by ROLDA foreign branches to the Romanian bank account.
Income Expenses Show more
Income 9736062 RON Expenses 9024637 RON from which:
- 603203 RON rest in bank deposits in various currencies
- 711424 RON debts paid in early January 2023
Show more Click here

Meet the team

ROLDA Team is formed by passionate, hard-working people from around the World. The “spark” started in Romania and soon, expanded to the USA, Australia and several European countries. It started with people like you, who respect, love and fight for animals’ rights and their welfare. In Romania, ROLDA Rescue Team is formed by paid staff like dogs caretakers, rescue drivers, veterinaries doctors and veterinary assistants. External services (contractors) include: bookkeeping, auditor, lawyer, labor protection, etc.

Abroad, ROLDA International is formed mostly by volunteers and highly skilled workers who put their knowledge, time and resources in favor of animals that we rescue, shelter, rehabilitate, treat, sterilize and eventually, rehome. Each ROLDA affiliate from the US, Australia or European countries where we are legally established have a webpage where the activity is presented, including the financial reports and how much money are transferred for Romania projects. This is our way to show maximum transparency to our loyal, incredibly generous supporters.

“I used to work in a farm, mainly with big animals like cows and horses, but they were always treated well, so it has definitely been a challenge working with scared and abused dogs. It breaks your heart at first, I mean, I think it always will, but when you see the changes they go through at ROLDA, I am grateful to be here.”

August 2017

“After our first visit, we knew we would return. We planned to schedule visits regularly to benefit both lonely people and lonely dogs in need of interaction. I’m sure many would have loved to be there with our team, to witness the moments of genuine and overwhelming joy when dogs that never give up hope meet people with little in their life to hope for. Sadly, some of the residents we met the first time were no longer there, which serves as a life-lesson for us all: to do what our hearts and consciences demand of us, while we still can, to do all we can to improve the lives of those still with us.”

April 2023

“Some might say that I have the easiest job at ROLDA because I basically prepare and evaluate them for adoption after they have been rehabilitated, but that's not true. I also see the dogs when they first arrive at ROLDA, all scared, skinny,'s painful to watch. No job is easy at a charity. It's heartwarming to see a stray dog who's been transformed into an adoptable pet, but it's also painful to watch them continue to spend years here because no one adopts them. Please, choose to adopt.”

August 2017

“I love animals! Plain and simple. I've always felt like I've been given a special gift to understand them and for them to understand me. I love that bond. That friendship. Living in Romania I see so many poor dogs living on the streets with no home and I just wanted to help them. When I found out about ROLDA, I knew this was my chance. ROLDA does amazing work to help animals, but they also care about people. After I lost my home, Dana offered me a home on the premises and I am forever grateful for her. In a way, I am happier because day and night I am always surrounded by the people and animals I care...”

August 2017

How to help us in Romania?

If you own (or represent) a company registered in Romania and wish to provide support to ROLDA, you’ll find useful to read how you can help the dogs for free, by donating a portion of the tax you’d pay to the Romanian authorities anyway.

Contact us by email:
WhatsApp: 0748903612

Taxpayers can decide on the destination of an amount representing up to 3.5% of the income tax, for the support of non-profit entities that are registered in the Register of religious entities/units.