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BringFido and ROLDA USA

We became partners to help romanian animals in need.

BringFido and ROLDA USA

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

BringFido is the world’s leading pet travel and lifestyle brand. BringFido website and mobile apps connect millions of pet owners around the globe with more than 250,000 pet-friendly places.

Advantages to use

Compare and book thousands of pet-friendly hotels/vacation rentals

No booking fee

Search a huge pet friendly restaurants database, dog parks, hiking trails

And from now on… Help Romanian animals in need with 10 USD for every reservation/complete stay

How you can redeem 10 USD when you make
a reservation via BringFido?

Option No. 1


Make a hotel reservation on

Use the code

Use the code ROLDA2021 in the Add Promo Code box at checkout


Complete your stay

Option No. 2

Hotel reservation

Click on this button to make a hotel reservation (contains a special tracking link)


Complete your stay