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Great news!

Our project has been selected on the Lilo search engine. You can now support us for free using Lilo for your daily searches!

Great news!

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

How it works

Install & use

Use the Lilo search engine for your daily searches.

Do searches

Search every day with Lilo to earn drops of water.

Earn water drops

Earn at least 50 drops of water.

What YOU can DO

Install & use

Go to ROLDA Project on Lilo to use the search engine Lilo.


Earn at least 50 drops of water.


Go to ROLDA’s project page and give at least
50 drops of water.

Don’t forget to give your drops of water regularly, by going directly to ROLDA’s project page.

For more information about how LILO works, please visit their website.