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ROLDA Financial Reports

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(Fiscal year: 01 July – 30 June)

F990 2023-2024

F990 2022-2023

F990 2021-2022

See archive

F990 2020


F990 2018

Financial reports ROLDA

(Fiscal year: 01 Jan – 31 Dec)

Financial reports for ROLDA Foundation Romania include all donations, grants and sponsorships received from our international branches.


Revenue: 10565741*
Including income from Romania: 1353231
– compensation trial: 1060427
-other sources (donations, sponsorships, SMS giving, 3.5% campaign etc): 292804
Expenses: 6817945

Total in the bank accounts at 31.12.2023 ** = 243.607,67
* includes donations from all international branches
** fixed assets amortization: 8.025.098

See the archive 2019 – 2012

List of ROLDA’s expenses

The annual list of expenses explains all the costs incurred to run the whole activity of ROLDA in Romania and abroad.

Annual Report (for period 01 Jan – 31 Dec)

The Annual Report highlights the ROLDA’s activities in Romania and internationally.

Other documents

ROLDA USA 501-c-3 ruling

Netherlands ANBI Certificate

Romanian Certificate of Incorporation

What happens when you give 1 US$ to ROLDA

Most of it (90 cents) goes to animal’s direct needs and local community programs. The rest (almost 10 cents) goes to fundraising.

Thanks to our experts, we stretch the power of your 1$.

10¢ spent returned us 4 times more ¢ reinvested in care for homeless, abused animals and the poor community’s pets where they need the most!

Every 1$ donated = 1.45$*

Together, we create a greater impact for all animals in need!
You make a smart investment!

Meet our

Testimonials from adopters
