We know it’s important to you that your donation is used effectively. It’s important to us, too. That’s why we at ROLDA are committed to the highest levels of accountability and transparency.
ROLDA Financial Reports
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(Fiscal year: 01 July – 30 June)
Financial reports ROLDA
(Fiscal year: 01 Jan – 31 Dec)
Financial reports for ROLDA Foundation Romania include all donations, grants and sponsorships received from our international branches.
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What happens when you give 1 US$ to ROLDA
Most of it (90 cents) goes to animal’s direct needs and local community programs. The rest (almost 10 cents) goes to fundraising.
Thanks to our experts, we stretch the power of your 1$.
10¢ spent returned us 4 times more ¢ reinvested in care for homeless, abused animals and the poor community’s pets where they need the most!
Every 1$ donated = 1.45$*
Together, we create a greater impact for all animals in need!
You make a smart investment!