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How can I verify ROLDA is a legit organization?

Hur kan du hjälpa 2 hägn med 700 hundar i Rumänien?

  • 1234126348 1234126348
  • 573-0502 573-0502
  • 802490-7050

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ROLDA Sverige
Nedre Trädgårdsgatan 28
Karlskoga 69141

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Varför just ROLDA Sverige?

Vi stödjer ROLDA i Rumänien för att kastrera, omplacera, erbjuda veterinärvård, kost och logi för rumänska gatuhundar

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How can I verify ROLDA is a legit organization?

Transparency is one of our top guiding principles. For the activity conducted in Romania, you can find the last Financial Report (as well as previous years reports) on the official website of Ministry of Finances (, searching ROLDA under the registration number: 18416340. Alternatively, you can find the Financial Report at: and the latest Annual Report:

The bookkeeping service in Romania is externalized, meaning that we work with independent institutions or experts that keep accurate financial records each year.

A number of people from around the World (including representatives of corporations, media or diplomatic missions) wrote testimonials after visiting our shelters. (

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