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The blind kitten who chooses love

The blind kitten who chooses love

Thousands of stray cats live on the streets of Romania. No love or joy for them. Survival is all they can afford to think about. Street dogs chase them for the tiniest scrap of food found in the gutter. Toxic, bacteria-filled environments and harsh weather conditions cause disease and sickness to threaten their fragile bodies.

Cecilia, one little white kitten, was homeless at just a few months old. She was fighting for her life on the streets of Tulcea, Romania. Fate had not been kind to Cecilia; sadly, her challenges were only beginning.

Disease and infections are almost impossible for stray cats to avoid due to their already weakened immune systems. Toxoplasmosis, rabies, ringworm and intestinal parasites are some of the most common and lethal diseases that stray cats contract. For Cecilia, it was a herpes virus infection that got her first. The infection burrowed mercilessly until her eyes were completely destroyed.

So, at just six months old, Cecilia wandered the streets with no eyes. She was highly disorientated and incredibly fearful. Left like this, it was likely only a matter of time before death would find her, perhaps under the wheels of a speeding car.

But no. One day, a ROLDA Rescue Team volunteer spotted Cecilia and immediately knew she needed help. After a whole week of gentle coaxing and offering food, the volunteer finally got close to terrified, timid Cecilia. She was then taken to a ROLDA-supported shelter – The Great Catsby.

Cecilia’s weak body was covered with fleas and ticks. She also fought against ringworm and intestinal parasites. Her immune system was dangerously deficient, making her more susceptible to infections. This also meant it was tough for her fragile body to fight off attacks on its own.

There was one final test conducted that revealed an even bigger surprise; not only was Cecilia completely blind, but she was also completely deaf. It is a miracle that this baby kitten had already made it six months living blind, deaf and alone on the streets. What a special, brave girl she must be.

Cecilia is now receiving immune supplements to boost her health and prepare her for surgery. The operation is going to help prevent the constant infections Cecilia fights by cleaning and removing the dead tissue of what is left of her eyes.

Despite Cecilia’s terrible luck, she is one of the sweetest, friendliest, and most loving beings. Where others might retreat into fear, Cecilia chooses to embrace the care offered to her. Cecilia’s resilience and recovery is an inspiration.

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