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Adopt a dog
to save two!

Adopt a dog <br />
to save two!

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

#GiveHope to animals that have no one else

Adopt a dog at distance and you will save two lives!

When you adopt at distance a ROLDA dog, you are saving two lives, not just one. Please remember: Don’t shop, adopt! Every successful adoption at distance, every new dog sponsor, means that another animal is rescued from the streets. Some people say that “street dogs” are mongrels, unmanageable, and not to be trusted. So why adopt a former stray and not a pure breed dog…click here to learn?

In our many years of experience, we can say with absolute conviction, that generalizations like the one above are wholly unfounded. Each dog, like each of us, is unique, and the product of our life experiences, and our individual character. ROLDA carefully assesses every one of our dogs to understand their behavior before we promote them for adoption. Regardless of breeding or background, no dog (or any other animal) can come with a “guarantee”.

That said, we have had many hundreds of successful adoptions, in many countries internationally. Rescued dogs often prove to be even more loyal and more loving than any puppy bought from a breeder. Perhaps they understand better than we know that they are one of a very few street dogs that ever get a second chance. So many of their pack are left to suffer and perish on in the dumps and alleys.

Please visit our Testimonials page to read for yourself the hundreds of lifelong, loving relationships have been made possible with your support. You may very well be convinced that you need a ROLDA dog yourself (we knew that already!) And we have hundreds of healthy, well-socialized, deserving dogs waiting so patiently for you to find them.

Meet our dogs

Testimonials from volunteers

“My name is Anja, I live close to Hamburg. How did I come to join this project? First of all I met Sabine last year via Twitter. We got along great from minute 1…when I met Tofu (the sweetest rascal I’ve ever seen) I fell in love the second I saw him. Sabine and I talked a lot about Romanian stray dogs and I got to know a lot about how terrible the situation in Romania is for these animals. When Sabine told me she is going to be the head of the German operation I warmed up to the idea to help too. Muffin (Sabine’s second adopted dog) helped in making the decision to join this awesome project, because...”

October 2017

“Åse bor i Bergen, Norge. Hun har adoptert hunder og katter fra Norge og Spania, og nå også en hund, Maja, fra Romania. Det bor rundt 600 andre hunder på våre hjelpesentre som venter på noen som Åse. Om ikke fra Norge, så kanskje fra Nederland, Storbritannia eller andre steder. De fleste Rumenere er skamfulle eller irriterte over gatehundenes tilstedeværelse, men behandler ikke hundene humant. Mennesker som Åse gjør at vi fremdeles beholder håpet på at noen forstår viktigheten av arbeidet vårt, respekterer hva vi gjør og oppmuntrer og promoterer vår virksomhet. I tillegg til å støtte oss økonomisk, kan du komme og jobbe som frivillig hos oss eller du kan dele våre aktiviteter og nyhetsbrev på nettet. Om du...”

Ase from Norway
August 2018

“Jeg har kjent Dana (grunnleggeren av ROLDA);i flere år nå, og hjelper henne bla. med å oversette tekster til norsk. Hun er en fantastisk dame med det største hjertet som fines. Jeg stoler uforbeholdent på hennes dømmekraft og vet at hun har gjort det umulige mulig gang på gang. Verden trenger flere mennesker som henne! Jeg hjelper ROLDA med oversettelse av tekst fra engelsk til norsk fordi de gjør et utrolig viktig arbeid for hjemløse dyr i Romania. Det er ikke alltid man har mulighet til å støtte alle organisasjoner man gjerne skulle hjulpet økonomisk, så det er godt å kunne bidra på andre måter!”

Heidi from Norway
November 2015

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Frequently asked questions

Why should I adopt from Romania when our country shelters are full?

Statistics show that people, who adopt dogs from abroad, actively help the local organizations and have adopted at least once from their local shelter.

I want to adopt a dog from ROLDA. What is the procedure?

The adoption procedure is slightly different, from country to country. Please read carefully this article: international adoption before applying. Please complete the pre-adoption form and send it by email to the closest ROLDA branch along with your questions about the adoption procedure. You can also contact ROLDA office in Romania by email: or WhatsApp: 004 0748 903 612

How are animals transported?

By special equipped van (authorized by the national veterinary authority in Romania) from Galati to Bucharest airport (3-4 hours driving). By airplane to the adopter’ destination.

How much is the adoption fee?

It varies from one country to another. ROLDA currently rehomes only in Switzerland, Sweden, the UK, and rarely in the US. Please get in touch with the closest ROLDA branch for more info about the adoption costs and procedure. Or feel free to contact us directly at ROLDA’s Head Office in Romania at or by phone/WhatsApp: 004 0748 903 612.

Why is there an age limit (23 years) to adopt from ROLDA?

ROLDA is unfortunately short on foster options, despite the fact that our ROLDA team works tirelessly to make sure that all adoptions are 100% successful. Common reasons some adoptions may not go through are a lack of money, and/or personal income, and occupying a rented property where animals are not allowed. Young people (under 23 years old) are exposed to these circumstances the most. This policy is just one of ROLDA’s precautions to safeguard the wellbeing of our animals, and to ensure that both the adopted animal and the adoptive individual have a 100% positive experience. We do encourage young people (under 23 years old) to adopt, but this important decision must be supported and sustained, (including financially) by a parent. They act as a guarantor to ensure the animal in question is provided for.