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Thank you for helping donkeys in Romania!

Your kind gift will not only help ROLDA improve the life of a rescue — it will also help us build our donkey sanctuary!

Thousands of abused donkeys in our community urgently need our help. Like Ben, they are beaten and abused and suffer medical emergencies that go untreated. ROLDA does not yet have a donkey sanctuary, so we can only take in old “retired” donkeys or donkeys that need immediate medical care and provide them with improvised housing.

But thanks to compassionate supporters like you, more abandoned and abused donkeys will soon find refuge at ROLDA’s Donkey Sanctuary!

Can you help a bit more?

If you’re able to spread the word to your friends and fellow animal lovers, please do it now! Some of these dogs might run out of time!

We sincerely appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness!

With gratitude and hope,
Ben (and The ROLDA Rescue Team)