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ROLDA helps impoverished pet owners by providing food and medicine for their pets. We created #FriendsForever for seniors to help pay for their pet’s vaccinations, sterilization, identification, as well as emergency vet care like surgeries, long treatment care, etc

Galati is located in one of the poorest regions in Romania, and we believe in helping the members of our community keep their pets healthy and safe.

But Galati is just one piece of the puzzle and in East of Europe (ex communist block) many more animals and their humans need ROLDA.

Most of these families can barely make ends meet, but they always manage to share what little food, water and shelter they have with their pets, many that have been rescued from the streets.

These humble people are animal lovers who want to provide a loving home to animals in need. They do not deserve to be separated from their pets, and ROLDA ensures they remain together forever.

This is how some pets live at countryside in Romania