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Finding light in darkness: Lew’s path to a new life

Finding light in darkness: Lew’s path to a new life

Romania is home to over a million stray animals. While many locals do their best to care for the strays in their neighbourhoods—especially the smallest and most vulnerable—not every animal is lucky enough to find kindness.

Lew, a tiny kitten just three or four months old, was one of the fortunate ones.
Despite her playful spirit and friendly nature, an elderly man who lived nearby realised something wasn’t quite right with her…

Life for a stray kitten is difficult at best. There is a constant daily struggle to find food, water, and shelter, to avoid danger from other animals, and to navigate busy roads. But for Lew, it was even more challenging. At just a few months old, she was facing life not just completely alone—she was also almost entirely blind.

The herpes virus — sadly a common illness among stray cats — had taken a devastating toll on Lew at only a few months old. Like so many others, she lost her sight, making her extremely vulnerable. We don’t know how long she had been struggling with impaired vision before she was rescued, but one thing is certain: if she had been left to fend for herself much longer, she likely wouldn’t have survived.

Luckily for Lew, a kind-hearted man didn’t hesitate to help. He rescued her from the streets, doing everything he could to keep her safe. For several days, Lew lived in his car, where he fed her and cared for her, hoping she would recover. But as time passed, it became clear just how sick she really was. That’s when he reached out for our help.

We took Lew to the vet, hoping that with treatment, she might be able to keep her eyes and regain a little of her sight. She was treated for the infection both locally and systemically, but tragically, her condition would not improve.

Despite all odds, Lew’s happy nature has not been affected despite her loss of sight. Right now, she’s receiving her vaccinations, and although she must stay in isolation, she is still one of the most enthusiastic kittens at the sanctuary. She spends her days chasing toys and soaking up the love and attention of volunteers. She’s gaining weight quickly, and her overall health is improving.

However, her journey isn’t over yet. Unfortunately, her treatment hasn’t helped as much as we had hoped.

Although the virus has caused blindness in both of Lew’s eyes, her left eye is at a much higher risk of infection and inflammation. Keeping it would be too dangerous, and we have been left with no choice but to remove it for her safety.

Soon, despite her permanent loss of vision, this playful kitten will join the happy cats at The Great Catsby. She will be surrounded by newfound friends in a shelter supported by ROLDA. She will finally have the future she deserves—a life full of warmth, safety and love.

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