Bibi’s Battle Against Liver and Kidney Failure

An inflamed and bleeding mouth. Kidney failure. Liver failure. Bibi, the little stray kitten, was suffering from all.
When our friends at the Great Catsby in Romania found Bibi, they immediately knew they needed to help her.
The Great Catsby is one of the shelters ROLDA is fortunate enough to support doing great work. Due to donations from kind animal lovers, ROLDA supports shelters across Ukraine and Romania with food and medical supplies.
Bibi overcame her challenges temporarily with a lot of hard work and time from dedicated volunteers. However, we knew that her condition was chronic and would require ongoing treatment to help support her damaged liver and kidneys.
After her initial recovery, Bibi was living happily among her feline friends at the Great Catsby, glad to be safe and off the streets. But soon, her kidney and liver refused to keep going.
For days, Bibi needed rapid interventions, infusions and frequent visits to the vet. She needed daily IV infusions, treatments and tests. Thankfully, Bibi is a strong fighter and has overcome this challenging time.
She is now back safely at the Great Catsby and continuing her usual treatment. Bibi’s life will be shortened, but we hope to make her final months happy and filled with love.
For the rest of her life, she needs multiple kidney and liver supplements, often hidden within her favourite treats.
Although Bibi may not make it to the end of 2025, she has made enormous progress since she was first rescued. She has transformed from a sickly, frightened stray kitten to the most loving cat in the shelter. She seems determined to share a long lifetime worth of love in the shortened life she has left.
Without dedicated rescue shelters like the Great Catsby, cats like Bibi would not be able to survive. Although her life will be short, Bibi gets to spend it happily surrounded by friends.
Sadly, more stray kittens are not so lucky. Stray cats face numerous challenges that can lead to illness, injury, or death. Malnutrition, disease, weather conditions, predators, and starvation are only some of the many obstacles that stray cats fight against.