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28 ways help

Considering that millions of dogs die in shelters every year while millions of others are the victims of abuses across the World, it takes a massive collective effort coming from communities of compassionate animal lovers to confront these cruelties and change these dogs present and future.

28 ways help

Considering that millions of dogs die in shelters every year while millions of others are the victims of abuses across the World, it takes a massive collective effort coming from communities of compassionate animal lovers to confront these cruelties and change these dogs present and future.

These are some ideas for ways you can help the dogs. Please share this page with your friends and family members interested to advocate for the animal’s cause!

Active help

1. Volunteer at ROLDA shelters!
2. Donate Air Miles for our volunteer travel to help us save our funds for life-saving missions!
3. Connect with us! Visit our online networks and help us grow!
4. Add a ROLDA banner, or video to your website, blog, or social network page! Copy & Paste the following code:

<a href=""><img class="alignnone" src="" alt="banner_sponsor" width="752" height="160" /></a>

5. Online shop to help the Romanian dogs! Buy Romanian handmade products from ROLDA online shop and help our dogs!
6. Spread the word! If you are a journalist or veterinary student, visit our shelters to get inspired for your final exam!
7. Write letters to your favorite newspaper or animal magazine’ editor and tell our story!
9. Post flyers and brochures in your town: public places, stores, and events (We have English, French and German versions available)
10. Advertise our dogs for adoption! Create printable materials (small posters, flyers) to promote ROLDA dogs for adoption (we re-home dogs all across Europe).
11. Advertise our dogs on free ads websites or specific dogs ‘related websites, popular in your own community.
12. Become a sponsor! Sponsor a billboard with a ROLDA message in your community.
13. Arrange a friendly coffee or lunch to present ROLDA programs to people that care about the animals.
14. Get your local university inspired to promote the Romanian animal’s cause!
15. Sponsor our leaflets or brochures printing at your location to save time and postage costs!

Plan the future for your dogs

Include ROLDA as the beneficiary of your will read more!

1. Make a one-time donation by card to ROLDA.
2. Become a monthly donor.
3. Host a house party for Romanian dogs
4. Create a fundraising event.
5. Sell items on eBay or Amazon websites to benefit the Romanian League in Defense of Animals (ROLDA USA)
6. ROLDA USA is featured cause on GoodSearch and GoodShop websites. It’s thanks to people like you that we’re able to save hundreds of dogs each year. Now, we have an easy way for you to support ROLDA. When you use to shop online, you get thousands of deals on items ranging from sports equiptment from Kmart and ink and toner from Walmart to coffee makers from Bed Bath and Beyond and we receive donations from Goodshop. This program is free, easy and a great way to save dogs from death. It only takes a moment to sign up and select the Romanian League in Defense of Animals – ROLDA as your cause. Then, shop online at your convenience and Goodshop will take care of the donations!
7. See our wishlist on Amazon!

What you can do for a global change?

1. Promote the local pet shops that do not sell puppies.
2. Check out what people are selling to benefit us when you shop on eBay.
3. Buy eco-leather, free fur products, and cosmetics not tested on animals.
4. I.D. your dogs and encourage others to do the same.
5. Turn your own garden into a “small sanctuary”: respect the wildlife!
6. Place a bowl with fresh water for thirsty wild animals during the hot summertime.

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