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Dear ROLDA Ambassador,

Thank you for committing to help suffering dogs in Romania by helping to raise awareness about their plight, and about how ROLDA has been working tirelessly for 15 years to help them. As you can understand, we need all the help we can get to put ROLDA on the map.

Millions of people are unaware of our work, and the dogs, we are desperately trying to save. We are grateful for your contribution. Believe it or not, sharing our story, and our mission with friends, family, coworkers, and anyone you believe will take the time to listen makes a big difference.

ROLDA Ambassadors help raise funds for our dogs, shelter repairs, emergency surgeries for severely injured dogs, and so much more. Your support helps us secure the health and safety of the 700 dogs in our care and enables us to rescue thousands of stray dogs each year.
With your help, we will save more. Big thanks for devoting your time to help our cause.

Can you help a bit more?

If you’re able to spread the word to your friends and fellow animal lovers, please do it now! Some of these dogs might run out of time!

With respect and hope,
ROLDA, Founder